|| chapter 5: sleepover ||

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|| A/N: so this is the sleepover bc yes, probably not sm angst. and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| "I know you're in love with her. And I'm sorry. Seriously I am. I don't want this. I wish I wasn't in love with Nancy. But I am. Okay? I fucking am. I just honestly wish I was straight. Wish I was normal." ||

|| I rambled on and on to steve, while packing my backpack for the night. I had finally told steve about my feelings for Nancy. ||

|| "Robin. Stop. I might think she's pretty, and nice and cool. Sure. But dude, have you seen the way she looks at you? Robin. She's in love with you. I Promise you." Steve stated. Without hesitation. ||

|| "Well we just don't know that do we? I mean, look at her. Classic straight woman. I was even lucky she wasn't homophobic. She's probably just happy we're friends." I said the last few words with a lower tone. I then zipped up my backpack as I heard Nancy honking outside. ||

|| "Robin. You're in love with her. She's in love with you. Please. A blind hedgehog could see it." "I'll see you later dingus." ||

|| I went outside waving eagerly at Nancy sitting in her car. I got into the passenger seat. "Hey nance, Steve wanted to exchange a word or two with you outside." ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| I nodded to robins words, unbuckled my seatbelt, and went outside. "Hey Steve? What did you want to talk about?" I smiled brightly. But then stopped immediately as I saw Steve's really serious face. ||

|| "Hey what's wrong? Did something happen with Robin? Please tell me, did her mother come? Did she have another one of those attacks? Steve please tell me!" Steve sighed. "No, no she didn't. Robin is fine. It's just. I know you're in love with her." ||

|| I got really nervous and scared. "Wa-wait what. No- no I'm not. I'm st-straight." Steve just looked at her and raised his eyebrow. "Okay fine. I'm in love with her. I'm sorry." Steve's face had gotten even more serious. ||


|| Steve POV: ||
|| "If you hurt that girl." I said stone faced. Whilst pointing to the clueless girl sitting in the car fidgeting with her hands. "I will hurt you. Got that? Don't cream your pants. But I will. Because she has been through enough. Understand? I won't let you hurt her. You're dead if you do so. Got it??" I was crying. ||

|| Nancy put her arm on my shoulder. "Steve. That woman." She was now the one pointing at Robin. "She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love her. So much. I would not ever. And I mean EVER, let anything bad happen to her. Ever again. She is safe with me. Please trust me." ||

|| I pulled her into a hug. "Fuck off, I trust you. Now go before she thinks something is happening between us." Nancy Kissed my cheek and sprinted to the car. I watched as they drove away. His best friends where falling in love. ||


|| Robin POV: ||
|| "So what did he want to talk about? Or did you just kiss?" I forced up a laugh. "Kissing? No no. I'm not in love with him." "Okay.. sure." I rolled my eyes. Leaning back in my seat. ||

|| when they arrived at Nancy's house ||

|| When we arrived at the wheeler residence I got out of the car, and started walking next to Nancy up to the front door. ||

|| When we went in, I was surprised of how quiet it was. "Isn't even mike here?" I said while looking around. "No, he's staying with Will. To be honest I think they're in love." Nancy giggled. That made me stop what she was doing. "Wait? What? Seriously? Oh my gosh that's adorable." "I agree big time. Anyways, what do you want to do?" ||

|| Nancy grabbed my hand and started walking to the guest room. "Uhm so this is the guest room. I mean you could stay here, since you know you're not so comfortable with physical touch so I thought maybe you'd like some privacy sleeping." ||

|| I stopped and looked into Nancy's mesmerizing blue eyes. "No. I would love to sleep in your room. If it's fine with you? I've been having quite some trouble sleeping since everything happened with my mother. So if its okay with you?" Nancy went and grabbed my bag, then my hand and led me into Nancys Room. ||

|| "Here, I'm just gonna go grab a mattress to put on the floor for you?" Nancy smiled. "Thank you Nan"  I immediately froze after realizing what I had just called nancy. "Im sorry it won't happen again im sorry if I made you uncomfortable." ||


|| Nancy's POV: ||
|| "Robs, it's okay. I like that nickname." I was now fixing robins mattress on the floor. When I was done I checked the time. <00:05> ||

|| "robs, it's kinda late, you want to sleep or do you want to do something?" I asked Robin with a low tone. "I'd like to sleep if it's okay with you?" I was relieved as she was also really tired. "Goodnight then robs!" I hugged robin. "Good night nan!" ||

|| As soon as I got tucked in I fell asleep. The sleep didn't last for too long as I was woken up by a bloodcurdling scream. Robin. ||


|| A/N: maybe a little shorter than usual but yeah it wasn't such an interesting sleepover but idc. Now don't forget to drink and eat because food is fuel and you deserve it. ❤️ ||
|| 931 words ||

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