|| Chapter 2: "im sorry mother." ||

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|| A/N: even worse agnst incoming bc I love writing agnst lmao y'all are gonna cry. and text to speech is ofc still available ❤️ ||


|| ⚠️ TW: @buse, homophobic slurs, slurs, mention of SH, Mention of su!c!de attempt, gore, drugs and alcohol , blood, Emetophobia (throwing up) ⚠️ ||


|| Robin's POV: ||
|| I finally made the turn to my house. I got off my bike and placed it tilted against the house. As I opened the house door, the smell of weed and vodka came over me like a breeze. ||

|| I sighed and went in. I tried to be as quick as possible up to my room to prevent contact with my high mother. I only got to the first step of the stairs before hearing bottles kling against each other. My mother then came over to me and hit me once with her hand. Right across my face. ||

|| I knew that if I made a sound my mother would do it again. But I couldn't help it. I was already so exhausted from everything that happened back at family video. I whine and shrug my head back. My mother now furious, grabs me by the hair and pushes me down to the floor. ||

|| "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" she spat loudly at her own daughter. "I've been working mother. I'm sorry." I tried to stay as calm as possible. "WHERE YOU OUT BEING A FAG? NO WONDER NOBODY LIKES YOU." "mother. I'm your daughter? Aren't you supposed to support me and love me?" I said, my voice cracking as I start crying. ||

|| "SO NOT DENYING IT THEN YOU DYKE." She yelled punching me so hard in my face that a big pool of deep red blood slithered out of a wound across my chin. But that didn't stop my mother. She kept punching and punching. "NO, MAYBE IM NOT DENYING IT. MAYBE I AM A LESBIAN. MAYBE I LIKE GIRLS. NOT LIKE YOU CARE ANYWAYS." I cried so hard I couldn't breath. "OH I CARE YOU FUCKING DYKE." ||

|| My mother had now given me a black eye, bruises all over, she had even proceeded to pull out some of my hair. I then finally punch back. Making my mother fall to the ground. I rushed upstairs, picked up the phone and starts dialing Steve's number. ||


|| The busy signal makes my sobs higher, and my breathing more tense. I didn't know what to do, and my mother wouldn't exactly be happy when she wakes up. ||

|| i'm in such panic, the blood flooding down my work uniform, I do the absolute first thing that comes to my mind. I call Nancy. (Don't ask me how she got her number okay) ||

|| Nancy answers the phone "hello, this is Nancy Wheeler. You've reached the Wheelers." I sighed. "H-help p-pl-please." ||


|| Nancy's POV: ||
|| I almost fell off of my chair hearing Robins trembling voice, it was way worse then back at family video, so I knew it was bad. Really bad. ||

|| "Hey shhhh, Robin, are you okay?" I was scared. Why was she scared? She hated Robin. I immediately snapped out of my trans hearing robins trembling voice once again. "N-no. P-please h-help m-me. I- I li-live a-at 12 c-corn-Wallis p-please I kn-know w-we hate-" I cut Robin off. "Robin. I'm coming. I know where that is and I don't give a fuck about us hating each other. I'll be there in 3 minutes." ||

|| I dashed down the stairs, completely ignoring all my mothers questions, and my father telling me to stop running. I slammed the door, got into the car and just started driving,I didn't even care to fasten my seatbelt. I was speeding. But I didn't care. Robin was all that mattered in this moment. ||


|| When I pulled into the driveway I saw Robin sitting outside. I threw myself out of the car and ran as fast as my legs would take me to Robin. I grabbed Robin bridal style without saying anything. I put her in the passenger seat of the car. ||

|| Blood still streaming down her face.
When we got back to my house Robin tried getting out of the car but I dashed to her side grabbing her in the same way as before. I rushed upstairs and into my bathroom. I put Robin onto the sink and grabbed the first aid kit. ||

|| "Who the fuck did this too you?" I asked while starting to clean the massive wound on robins cheek. ||


|| Robin's POV: ||
|| I felt the rubbing alcohol flow into my wound. I put my hand to my mouth as I started crying even more. ||

|| Nancy just kept cleaning. Trying to comfort me. "It w-was mom" I said between my hiccups. "Sh-she got mad and and hit me, than I flinched and she got even more angry, and called me a fag and then I didn't say anything so she punched me and said I didn't deny it wich I didn't because it's true, and then she just kept hitting me over and over again and-" ||

|| I stopped by a sudden feeling of nausea washing over me. I gagged and threw myself to the toilet. I started throwing up. It felt like I was throwing all of my organs up through my mouth. Nancy was just sitting beside me holding up my hair, while at the same time rubbing soothing circles along my back. ||

|| When it finally stops, I just rest my head against the bathroom wall as I continue where I left of . "and then she even pulled some of my hair out and I've- I've tried to make it go away, I've done everything, I cut myself, I've done everything. I even tried to fucking hang myself. But it doesn't work. The pain just grows bigger. But once you've done it you can't just stop. And- and the pain didn't even get better. The pain just grew and grew into this one massive hole, and then my dad left. Wich I understand and mom just got even worse and now I've lost everything and I don't even have someone to talk to." I just broke. I started sobbing uncontrollably. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| I grabbed Robin even tighter "shhhh it's okay it's okay, I'm here. You have me. I'm here. It's okay shhhh." I just hugged Robin tightly, not letting go. ||

|| "Look I'm sorry for treating you like I did. I didn't know who you where." I was genuinely sorry. And now that I thought about it, I really had no idea this was what the poor girl was going through. ||

|| "Let's get you all cleaned up shall we?" I sat myself in front of robin. "Is it okay if I take your shirt off? You're really hurt and I need to clean those wounds." ||

|| Robins POV: ||
|| I just nodded, if it was anyone else than Nancy I would've said no, but I felt this sort of comfort. I trusted Nancy. ||

|| Nancy pulled off my shirt. Seeing even more wounds that had already scarred "how long has she's been doing this?" Nancy said with a low tone. "Since I was like 10" I sighed. Nancy pulled me even closer. "Well I'm here for you now. And I'm not going anywhere." ||

|| I felt loved. In a way I haven't felt before. Less than 24 hours ago me and Nancy where at the verge of punching each other to death, and now I was in her bathroom sobbing like a 5 year old who missed the ice cream truck. ||

|| However, I didn't feel uncomfortable, like I usually do at the feeling of physical touch. This was all I needed. "Thank you." I let out lightly. ||


|| Nancy POV: ||
|| "It's okay, we should probably get to bed." I sighed helping robin up from the floor. ||

|| "Yeah you're right, I'll just walk home. Thank you though." Robin started walking out of the bathroom. "Are you seriously thinking I'm letting you go back to that witch ever again, after what she's done to you? Come here, I'll get you a soft piece of Pyjamas, my least tight ones. And you'll sleep next to me. I think you need that." ||

|| "I do, I really do. Thank you Nancy." ||


|| We both fell asleep cuddling eachother. We both felt so comfortable but at the same time so confused. ||

|| How the two of us that hated each other that much where now sleeping next to each other. Oh how things can change. ||


|| A/N: so chapter 2 woo, well this is like so agnsty. But idc I like it, also please tell me if I should keep this story or not idk. Don't forget to drink and eat because food is fuel and you deserve it. ❤️ ||
|| 1461 words ||

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