Chapter 10

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A/n: this chapter might have to deal with some High Valyrian language, so in a parentheses will be the meaning of the words, I just copied and pasted it from a translate on google, forgive my insolence for not knowing how to speak the language of old

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A/n: this chapter might have to deal with some High Valyrian language, so in a parentheses will be the meaning of the words, I just copied and pasted it from a translate on google, forgive my insolence for not knowing how to speak the language of old.

Ruins of Valyria
Kataerys's POV

Aemond held my hands as we made it in, "Keligon!" A loud voice yell high Valyrian stopping us in our tracks. (Stop!).

He was tall, almost if not taller than Balerion the black dread, "we come in peace" I shout hoping he can he can hear me.

"Naenie emagon journeyed kesīr, se ry pōnta seek iksos power, skorkydoso kostagon nyke pāsagon ao?" The voice asks, I looked at Aemond then back at the being, "īlon istan jittan kesīr ondoso luna, īlon seek mērī naejot gūrēñagon" I replied, Aemond looked at me confused, "who is Luna?" He asks , "I'll explain later" I replied. (All who have journeyed, only seek power, how can I trust you?). (We were sent here by Luna, we seek only to learn).

The giant started chuckling, "Luna,issa jorrāelagon", he says, he signaled for us to follow him, Aemond was a little hesitant at first, I would be too, he thought we were exploring, now he's finding out, I was actually sent here. (Luna, my love).

We followed the giant through the destruction of Valyria, Lilith slowly landed, after soaring the skies, "a dragon, I haven't seen one in years, folks would say it is forbidden for a dragon to set foot here" the giant spoke while laughing, I looked up at Lilith, "he's joking, I hope" I say trying to calm her.

"Welcome to the halls of old, well what's left of it anyways" the giant chuckled, Aemond rolled his eyes.

"My Luna sent you here for a reason, it is time you learned about your lineage and your birthright" the giant spoke, I walked around the halls, there were still statues there, mostly the faces or half of it.

"I know I'm Targaryen, and Velaryon, what else is there to learn about me?" I ask.

"Your Velaryon bloodline, 20 thousand years ago, or is it more, I can't remember anymore, lived the Atwakians your ancestors, they roamed all around the world, before the existence of the firstmen, Valyria, even the Targaryens"the giant stopped and then proceeded through a portal, "Aemond I understand if you don't want to go through with this" he interrupts me with his finger on my lips, "I've come this far to turn around, plus you think I'd miss this?" He asks, "this is crazier than I've imagined, but we're are definitely talking about whoever this Luna is when we're done here" he says.

We walked through the portal, "welcome to the isle of Atwak, took you long enough" the gian- "you're not a giant anymore" I say, he touches he body, "ah, shapeshifting, allows me to alter myself" he replies, "this is getting freakier by the minute" Aemond mumbles.

"Believe it or not, you are only one since your ancestor Queen Mylaela of Atwak, to possess your abilities" we walked around the forest, stopping in front of a statue, "she looks like your mother" Aemond whispers to me, but I couldn't bring myself to reply.

(A/n: y'all bear with me on this, I know she don't look like Laena that well, but use your imagination

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(A/n: y'all bear with me on this, I know she don't look like Laena that well, but use your imagination. Plus I love this carving of a black woman).

"I present to you Queen Mylaela!" The shapeshifter shouts, I looked down at the inscription, it was writing in an old language that wasn't High Valyrian, and somehow I could read it, "Queen Mylaela, protector and warrior of Atwak" I read out.

There was a small pond next to her statue, I stared into it.

Years ago, Kingdom of Atwak, years before the Conquest.

"Ahkim, does this dress look big on me?" Princess Mylaela asks, "honestly, yes my princess, it's hideous" Ahkim replies, causing the princess to laugh.

"What do you suggest princess?" A woman asks, "Luna, i won't allow unnecessary bloodshed until last result, send for their leaders, I want to make peace with them" Princess Mylaela ushered, Luna nodded.

For years to come, Mylaela ruled over Atwak, she ruled with a soft heart but a iron fist. She would eventually meet a lover, one who would share blood with the Velaryons, but a betrayal will lead to the downfall of the Atwak.

Selfishness and greed began clouding the hearts of many, some Atwakians started to lose faith in their leader, causing them to scatter around the world forming their own kingdoms, only a few stayed back in Atwak.

Present time
Kataerys's POV

I looked up at Aemond and the shapeshifter, "so?, how was it?" The shapeshifter asks, "educational" I reply, the shapeshifter cackled.

"So what is your name?" I ask, "I am known as Ahkim, well I was known as Ahkim" he says, "wait, that means you're.." "oh no I'm long dead, but my soul was kept alive, in hopes to be reunited with my beloved" he replies.

"So what does this have to do with me?" I ask, "don't get me wrong, learning about my lineage was great, but what am I to do?" I ask.

We made it back outside, he handed us a paper, map it was a map of the entire world, "journey to Atwak, there your destiny will be revealed", and with that he disappeared.

Aemond and I made our way back to Lilith, "there you are girl, how are you?" I ask, she groaned, "I'm sorry we're gone too long, all her fault" Aemond says before petting Liliths scaled head, I nudged his shoulder causing him to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

A/n: the way I made up all of this stuff while writing this chapter is crazy, my brain damn near exploded.

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