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"Good afternoon Madam Marchbanks, thank you for seeing me at such short notice."

"Not at all Minerva, you said in your letter it was urgent."

"I did, I was expecting to need to come to you though. Tea?"

"Yes please."

"Tilly, would you get some tea for the both of us, and some biscuits. Oh, and do you still have any of that sweet meat you served the other day?"

"Tilly does. Tilly will bring Miss Kitty a plate."

"Sweet meats Minerva?"

"I've, discovered, that it's possible for your animagus form to change."

"Ah, I see. Well, the law only says you must be registered. It doesn't say anything about updating your registration."

"Thank you."

They continue to exchange pleasantries until the tea has been served. Once they both have a cup Marchbanks sits back, "What is so urgent that you needed to contact the Education Department?"

"Albus is taking an enforced 2 year leave of absence. He suffered a grievous injury and has been placed into a healing sleep while he recovers."

"I see, I have not heard of him being admitted to St Mungo's"

"When I saw him a few days ago, he was still missing his heart and large parts of his lungs and spine."

"I, see. You didn't feed him unicorn blood?"

"Oh Merlin, no. Miss Potter was able to get him to a healing artifact. It's the artifact that has put him into a sleep."

"So you are informing us of this..."

"I am the Deputy Head, so I will be Acting Head Master during his infirmity. As there is a known recovery period, he will maintain his position until he is able to defend any calls to replace him. I wish to petition for a new introductory potions teacher, and an assistant to help me with the paperwork while I maintain my teaching position."

"I understand the assistant, but why the potions teacher?"

"Severus is a brilliant potions master, and I have every respect for him in that capacity. However, he is unable to teach the basics. So I would like a potions teacher to take over years 1 and 2. They would only need to be a journeyman, as nothing students of that level will be learning should be that problematic."

"I see, and come third year, they should have the basic skills to take advantage of a potions master of Severus' calibre. I assume it doesn't hurt that is also when Albus should be taking over again."

"There is that, yes."

"There's more to it, isn't there."

"There is."

"What has you concerned about the dear potions master?"

"Miss Potter."

Marchbanks raises an eyebrow, "I was under the impression that there was a boy who lived, not a girl who lived."

"Oh, it's far more than that. Arry is physically a young woman, and she has 50 children of her own. Not including those that have been adopted (like me)"

"Sorry, I didn't catch that last bit."

"It was nothing important."

"I see, are you worried about her chastity?"

Minerva laughs, "Not at all, I'm more worried about needing to expand the graveyard."

Marchbanks frowns, "The school graveyard is only for staff and students that die on the grounds."

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now