Picking up the pieces

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Picking up the pieces.

Amelia looks around her department and mournfully takes a count of the butchers bill. Mad-eye limps up beside her, "What was that about Bones?"

"I fucked up, that's what. Morgana, knows I fucked up. I found out that Mafalda hasn't been doing her job properly, and instead just sending out letters when her systems registered magic at a premises that doesn't have known witches and wizards living there."

"Let me guess, they found out that a school friend was one of those affected?"

"Yep, triple warning, all in her outbox. It's not even been 3 whole days since school let out."

"I'd say we're lucky then."

"Oh? This looks pretty unlucky to me."

"None of those deaths were down to Miss Bones or Abbott. Even then, the only deaths we did have, could be attributed to suicide by dragon. The only way to combat them effectively is with dragon slaying spells, not management, slaying."

"Who knows that sort of spell these days?"

"I do. Some idiot imported a Raka egg in the 50's. It hatched once it thawed out, and tore a swathe through London. We persisted the smog that had settled while we hunted it. See this acid scar? That's where I got some of it's blood on me. We had to import help from Russia, and even then, I lost 5 friends and another 6 had to retire because of the wounds they took. The ones we were fighting, they could have killed everyone in here if they wanted to. Did you see the way one of the bastards moved out of the way in mid-air while I was trying to nail it?"

"That's my niece or god daughter you're talking about."

"Not at that moment they weren't, they were Raka going for an injured hive mate."

"What do you know about the big one that turned up?"

"Nothing, there are legends of Raka that led armies of smaller Raka. Nothing confirmed, but the stories say they had to use demon fire to burn them out."

"Fiend Fyre?" – Mad-eye just nods – "Morrigan, that would torch the entire city."

"It's not that bad, it feeds on magic remember. But it will burn everything until there's no more magic available. Which is a problem when fighting Raka, as they're non-magical."

"Why not use normal fire?"

"Everyone dies because they breathe in the blood as it boils, and it turns your lungs to mush."

"Same problem with piercers, cutters, and similar spells?"

"Indeed. I've heard some call them soul-less demons as a killing curse won't always kill one either."


"Aye lass, they're generally immune to the three unforgivables. Though the Russians have discovered that it depends on if they've woken on their own, or someone has found an egg. When they're found they don't seem to have that immunity."

"What do we do?"

"Talk to them and see where they learnt about these creatures."

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Donald bemusedly looks around the private room that he's sitting in, with it's gas lamps lit by magic and old fashioned bed and furniture. Theresa, his wife, is laid out on the bed while a specialist healer tries to put her mind back together. He had his own mind put back together only an hour or so ago, and was still coming to terms with the fact that he had a magical daughter while parts of his memories say he didn't. He supposes he should be thankful that he has always been a working man, as the healer has been swearing about hatchet men while working on her memories. With a scowl he thinks back to the conversation he had with the magical policeman.

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