Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"Arry, you need to ride the train with all of the other students."

Arry sulks at Minerva, "But Minva, why? It's not like Luna is using the train, and the nest isn't any closer to London than it is to Scotland."

"I'm still the Head Master to you at the moment, and it's one of the rules of the school."

"But it's so boring, and none of the rest of the hive have to do it."

Minerva puts her hands on her hips, "So Mr Hopkins and Finch-Fletchley are not part of the hive now?"

Arry winces, "Sorry guys, I forgot you're not genetic members. Ok fine, I'll ride the train, but I'm leaving as soon as we get to the station."

"Once you've left the train like other students, no teleporting out of the train, unless it's an emergency."


"And you will make sure that Mr Hopkins and Finch-Fletchley are picked up by their parents safely. You are the queen of the hive, and it's your responsibility."

"But I'm only 11."

"And the queen of the hive. We will support you where we can, but it is still your responsibility. And no, you can't delegate this to someone else, it's not that sort of responsibility."


Minerva ruffles Arry's hair, "I know it's hard, you're only just learning what it means to be human, and already we're making you take responsibility for things."

"But it was so much simpler when it was just T'o-Ba'sall and I."

"Simpler, yes, but knowing what you know now, would you change anything about meeting Ptiana?"

Arry crosses her arms, "No!"

"Then go on, the train's going to leave in a moment, and I know they've saved you a seat."

Arry sticks her tongue out before disappearing with a pop.

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After several minutes of shuffling around uncomfortably on the compartment bench seat, Hermione finally exclaims, "How are you doing that Arry?"

Arry blinks as she brings her attention back to the train, "Huh? Sorry Hermione, I was miles away."

Susan snickers, "Literally."

Hermione humphs, "How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Sitting there so comfortably with your tail?"

Arry scratches her head with her tail, "I'm not sure what the issue is."

"My tail, I can't get it comfortable at all."

Susan and Hannah look surprised, and Sally-Anne pokes her head over the edge of the luggage rack, "I wasn't aware that you had a tail."

Hermione shrugs as she shifts again, "It's not very long yet, and it only started growing just before Easter."

Oliver frowns, "Could you speak aloud for those of us not in the hive please?"

Sally-Anne just sticks her inner mouth out, while Susan translates, "She says, 'Sorry, but I can't, and I packed my leg this morning.' Before that Sally said she wasn't aware that Hermione has a tail."

Wayne looks a little worried, "Does that mean I'm going to grow a tail too?"

Hannah holds up her hand to show the sharpened, claw like, nails, "Probably not, as you've not been having trouble with your fingernails, that's the first change we noticed. Oh, and Oliver, Sally wants to know if you're going to join the hive."

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