Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Bubona surprises herself when, instead of freaking, she gently takes Murph from Madam Bones when she drops by for a surprise visit.

As the chest burster turns into a baby with a tail, Bubona looks up, "Thank you for bringing her over. Do you mind if I ask what happened to her?"

Amelia smiles, "We found what we thought was a wild hive in Russia, and the Russians tried to take care of it with magic. That's why we had to leave for Easter."

Vesta comes running over, "Mummy, mummy, is Murph home?"

Bubona looks down at her daughter, "Yes dear, though something's happened to her. Madam Bones, do you have time for a cup of tea while you tell the story?"

Amelia cocks her head before nodding, "Certainly, call me Amelia as I'm not on duty at the moment."

Once they're sat down for some tea, with a plate of biscuits sitting next to a bowl of Acromantula legs, Amelia leans back as she crunches on a leg thoughtfully, "I guess the story starts a few months ago, when Moody and E'jeah finally made their way to the area that Raka, the wizarding name for Murph's species, are most commonly seen in. Originally we, that is Arry and the Yautja, wanted to scan the planet from space. However, they found that they couldn't just transport themselves to the moon, as none of them had ever actually been there. It's funny, we can flame to a couple of dozen planets halfway around the galaxy, and a couple of spaceships, but we can't flame the 240,000 miles to the moon." Shaking her head she continues, "Sorry about that, a lot of this is still unbelievable to me. Anyway, they used some of the equipment from Arry's ship to locate the actual hive. When they found it, they started to map it out with magic and that bit of equipment. Shortly before the Easter break, E'jeah realised that the planned attack, the were going to use, wouldn't kill all the Raka in the hive, because of some complicated bit of technology that I don't understand. Anyway, they tried to tell the Russians about it, but they just heard the word technology and stopped listening. After all, everyone in the magical world knows that technology doesn't work around magic."

Bubona nods along until she remembers her Christmas present from Murph, a pair of very fancy non-magical glass windows that show changing information and react when you touch them, "I think, I don't believe that anymore."

Amelia nods again, "Your Christmas present?"

"Yes, not the creepy one though. So what happened after that?"

"As the Easter holidays came, we, that is the human adults, decided that it was too risky for the students if we stayed on earth while the Russians tried to clear out the hive, so we all headed to Arry's ship for the holiday. E'jeah, and surprisingly Moody, joined us a few days before the holiday finished. That's when we knew they'd started. It took us a couple of days to persuade the children that they weren't allowed to take part in the attack on the hive, at the same time we planned our attack and arrival based on E'jeah and Moody's memories of what was there. Good thing we did, as the fight was brutal. I wasn't there, as Sue pulled the if you can go, then I can go, card because she can turn into a xenomorph and I can't yet."

Amelia takes a drink of her tea while she thinks about what to say next with Vesta in the room, "I won't go into details, as they are far too disturbing for young ears, but we lost 10 humans and veela, and around 20 xenomorphs in the fight. Murph there took a blow for Moody, who was then able to kill a handful of xenomorphs with a fire whip. We didn't realise until after the battle and we got back to the ship, well they got back to the ship, that we'd also got the phoenix rebirth as well as their flame travel. The house elves had just been transporting our 'dead' back to a room on the ship. Anyway, we were all sombre and morning on the ship, when the first baby woke up and started crying, and Minerva, Professor McGonagall, screams over the hive 'Someone better get over here and clean me up right now, or so help me I will hex first and ask questions later'."

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