First Week

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First Week

After a day and a half of exploring the castle as a group, and then the girls going off in their animagus forms to run around in the forest. Ernest McMillian finally snaps, "Arry, I know we don't sleep in your dorms, but you can't just leave us out of half the activities that you girls are doing."

Arry turns slowly to look at Ernest, "What are you asking?"

"You've helped all the girls in your dorm achieve their Animagus forms. W..." – he swallows hard as Arry's tail comes up over her shoulder, and changes his demand into a request – "Would you help us achieve ours please?"

"Is this something you all want?"

The other magic born boys all nod, and reluctantly Justin Finch-Fletchley nodded as well.

Arry sighs, "Let's find a spare classroom, I'll contact the Head Master as there are some facts you need to know before you make your final decision."

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Once Minerva arrives, Arry looks at all the students with a serious expression, "Unlike the girls, you will all need to know just what the consequences of your actions could be. Part of being an animagus is that you gain the instincts of the animal that you're changing into. Xenomorphs have 4 stages of life, the first is as an egg that is held by a Face Hugger. Once the Face Hugger has implanted the egg inside an animal, it dies and the second stage of life begins. The xenomorph then becomes a parasite, living off of the host as it matures over a period of between 2 days and a week. Transitioning from a parasite to a chest burster invariably proves fatal for the host. At this stage it can be fed Royal Jelly to turn an ordinary Xenomorph into a Queen. We'll revisit this later as it will be important. Once the chest burster has fed enough, it will go through it's first moult. At this time it takes on the role that the Queen that laid the egg programmed into it. They are now considered mature, and will continue to grow to around half again as large as Murph. There is one very important thing about this whole process, that is the fact that Xenomorphs get their genetic diversity from their hosts, rather than through sexual reproduction. If that was the end of the story, this wouldn't be a problem. The fact is that there are male xenomorphs, they are just very rare. I don't know if you've had the talk about sex, and boys and girls. So while I'm laying some harmless eggs so that you can all see what you're letting yourselves in for, the Head Master is going to give you The Talk, and explain the differences between boys and girls."

It takes Arry around an hour to lay an egg for each of the boys, and so she flames all the eggs back to the classroom to see the boys all staring at the floor and shuffling uncomfortably.

"I see you've all had the detailed explanation now. Anyone want to back out now?" – when nobody gets up to leave she continues – "These are egg sacks, inside each one of these is a sterile face hugger. This is an experience that Masters McGonagall, Sprout, and Babbling have all been through, as has Miss Dunns, and everyone you saw at the visitors table. Just remember, relax and don't fight it, you can't win you'll only be unconscious when it's finished."

Arry dips her hand into an egg and pulls out a Face Hugger, "McMillian, you're first, remember this one is shooting blanks so you have nothing to worry about."

Nervously, Ernest takes the face hugger and jumps as it leaps at his face, "See how it jumped at him, this induces a startle response, which in most animals, humans included, causes them to open their mouths. Hopkins, here's one for you. Remember it's sterile so you don't have to worry about anything, just relax and enjoy the ride. Rivers, one for you. Entwhistle I've got one for you too. Finch-Fletchley, are you sure?"

Justin nods and Arry hands him the last one.

"So you now know about sex and boys and girls. Did Minerva explain how it's the man that determines the sex of the baby?" – all of the boys shake their heads – "So the non-magicals have known for a while that there are two sex chromosomes, they call them x and y. The vast majority of people only have one of two combinations. XX or XY. There are always exceptions, because nature is messy. This is true of Xenomorphs too, and I'm not one of those exceptions. I can show you the proof of that statement if you need me to later. But it's long and boring, and Hermione would probably enjoy showing it to you more than I would.

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now