Did we forget something?

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Did we forget something?


Hermione looks up from her breakfast, "Yes dad?"

"Is there anything you'd like to tell us about your new friends?"

"What do you mean?"

Henry just lifts up the glass that had her orange juice in it, and turns it around to show the gouges her fingernails put in it.



"Arry said that I could experience what it was like to have claws and a tail and write a book about it. She also lives on a space ship which is on the other side of the galaxy and gave me computer so that I could take notes and make recordings easily. I'll just go and get it."

"Wait right there, and repeat that slowly."

"Arry said that I could experience what it was like to be like her. With claws and a tail, I could then write a book about it."

"Yes, go on, I heard something about a space ship too."

"She lives on a space ship, it's on the other side of the galaxy at the moment, but it's really cool, I'll show you."

She grabs her father's hand and flames them to the Hive, though not the laying room. Feeling around with her mind, she then flames them to T'o-Ba'sall, who was meditating until she arrived.

"Hermione, honey, where are we?"

"We're at the hive. Dad, I'd like you to meet T'o-Ba'sall. T'o-Ba'sall this is my father Henry Granger."

"I'd say I'm pleased to meet you but I can't see a bloody thing."

T'o-Ba'sall looks at Hermione, "Ermione, what have I told you about the hive?"

Hermione sulks as she replies, "Don't bring anyone here without letting you know ahead of time."

"And what have you just done?"

"Brought my father here, to you, to let you know I'm bringing him here."

"I don't suppose anyone would mind speaking English, so that the person, that can't see in the pitch black room, has some idea what's going on."

"Enry was it. I was just scolding Ermione for bringing you without informing me first. This can be a very dangerous place for non-hive members."

"I'm not sure whether to be happy to hear that or not."

"I am just turning on lights, one of the older hive members is also on their way."

Much later, and after a couple of glasses of beer, Henry will be very proud of the fact that, when the lights came up so that he could see, he only took 1 step backwards. With her crab like mouth, red eyes, claws, and tail, T'o-Ba'sall looked like something from a horror film. The sleek hunter that nudged him out of the way as he entered was the last straw and his legs gave way beneath him.

"Enry, Enry. Ermione, is your father unwell, as he just collapsed."

"What, no, I'm fine. I think. It was just the shock."

"I am just telling Rula here to come and find me if there is any trouble till I get back. Ermione will then return us to your home where we can talk without endangering you unnecessarily. I understand that Ermione also starts school today."

"Shit, she does. I forgot all about that."

After a couple more moments to gather his wits, Henry asks, "Why do you keep dropping the h's in some words?"

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