Lead up to School

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Lead up to School

"Miss Dunns, welcome to Hogwarts, while you're working for me. Please call me Minerva."

"Please call me Priya, I've got rather used to the modern non-magical way of addressing people"

"Very well Priya. If you'll follow me I'll take you to your suite. As with all staff members it has a bedroom, bathroom, receiving room, and a small study for personal research and correspondence. I assume you're familiar with the layout of the school, as you attended for your own schooling in the 70's. I looked up your scores this morning, and I have to say I'm impressed. It's not often we see anyone achieve 7 O's on their NEWTs, especially after a tragedy such as yours. We do have some unusual children running around, of distinctly non-human appearance. I am their somewhat caretaker while they're on earth. I'm sure that we'll meet them at some point today, if not I'll make sure you're introduced at the evening meal."

"When you say non-human, given your computer, do you mean aliens like from Star Trek?"

"While I have yet to see that show, I have no doubt that it's highly unlikely to be anything like Star Trek. In my experience, stories, whether in the theatre or in a book, always paint the world in a far better light than it actually is. If only because most people would never believe just how bad the world can be. The children represent 3 of the 4 major space faring species in the galaxy. I'm sure that you will meet members of the 4th soon enough. With one known exception, one of those species is very much like acromantula, except structured like ants instead of spiders. The only members of that species you'll meet here belong to that exception."

"I see." Priya says nervously.

"Well, we're here, Isabella, this is Miss Priya Dunns, she will be using these quarters from now on."

A painting of a Spanish Queen jerks awake, "Oh, Head Master, I didn't see you there."

"Good Morning Isabella. This is Miss Priya Dunns, she will be using these quarters from now on."

"Oh, good morning. I do hope you have more suitable attire Miss Dunns, what you're wearing is completely unsuitable for appearing in court."

"Miss Dunns is to be my assistant, so court appearances should be few and far between."

"Oh that's a terrible shame. Well, if you ever do make a court appearance, do let me know and I'll help you with your outfit."

Priya smiles, "Certainly Highness."

"None of that I'm just a portrait now, call me Isabella."

Minerva nods, "Well, I'm off to the Head Master's office. Once you're settled in meet me there, I'll instruct the gargoyle to allow you free access."

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Priya finally makes her way into the Head Masters office, and stops in dismay at the parchment work everywhere. In the mundane world, she thought that piles of paperwork you couldn't see over was only something you saw in cartoons and comedies. Minerva stands up from her desk, "Come in, I've put your desk by the window. Don't mind Ptiana, she's sulking as she's been banned from having any lemon drops until Christmas."

Priya looks at the phoenix Minerva waves at in surprise, "I thought the phoenix was called Fawkes."

Minerva laughs, "So did everyone else, until she met someone that could understand her. All the rumours about Phoenixes being creatures of the light, all false." – Ptiana squawks irritably – "Personally, I think the only reason they tend to stick around with Good wizards is that good wizards are less likely to try to vivisect them." – Ptiana warbles – "Vivisect is similar to dissect, however the subject is still alive."

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