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Susan wakes with a yawn and opens her eyes, as the light in the girls dorm brightened up to mimic the sun. Looking out of her partition she sees a massive xenomorph, curled up in a ball and sleeping on the floor. Rubbing her eyes she lays back down to bed. Obviously she must be dreaming. When Hermione's voice calls over the dividing partition, "Hey Susan, sleep well?" her brain starts to wonder if she is actually dreaming.

A scream forces the cobwebs out of her brain and she bolts from the partition in her nightdress. From her partition, opposite the entrance to the dorm, Megan Jones has frozen in fear, and the xenomorph is stretching languidly. The other girls all, apart from Ne'stbei, come out from their own partitions, and watch open mouthed as it stands up, and has to bow its head under the ceiling. It then pads out of the dorm towards the common room.

Finally, Ne'stbei comes out of her own partition, "Hey Hermione, is it me or did she look Hungry?"

"Nope, not you. I'm just glad I'm her vassal, just about any other human would probably be breakfast."

"Did you hear that the girl that Murph hangs around with can turn into a xenomorph?"

"I did, she's the second one. The first was Luna Lovegood."

Susan looks between the two of them, absolutely certain that they were priming the room for something, but unable to help herself as she became more and more scared with each sentence. Suddenly there's a scream as an acromantula runs into the dorm followed by the monstrous xenomorph. When the xenomorph pounces on the acromantula, Susan screams and vaguely realises that it was the acromantula that was screaming initially. She stares frozen to the spot as it crunches its way through the poor thing, as thoughts of the same thing happening to her flit through her mind. As it gulps the last mouthful down, Megan tries to run, and its head whips round. With a sudden leap, it jumps at Megan and, with a scream, she disappears, in her place is another xenomorph, much smaller than the monstrosity that jumped at her. It then turns and leaps at another girl, then another, and another. Not even Sally-Anne Perks is spared, even though she's left her leg behind. Finally, it turns to her, and all thought about the fact this must be Arry, and Arry wouldn't hurt her, flies out the window. As her vision goes dark, she hears Arry laughing, "Got you all!"

Ne'stbei is also laughing too, though Hermione sounds annoyed, "Arry, if I didn't know you wouldn't harm them, I wouldn't have played along. But it's not actually that funny."

"But it is Ermione, but it is. Don't you see? Every single one of them has done an animagus transformation, with a little psychic pressure from me, and being primed into it. Look at Minva's memories and how hard she had to work to achieve hers."

Susan feels confused, Animagus transformation? "What, neugh, m ongue"

"Xenomorphs don't talk, we're psychic, your mouth works differently. Try thinking about talking but without talking."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"Just like that actually."

"Hey, I've got my leg back.", That must be Sally-Anne.

"Xenomorphs can regrow just about every limb, I don't know if it will carry over though."

"A...Are we part of your hive now?"

"No Hannah, you're not part of my hive. You're not part of any hive. Well, grab your book bags and let's go to breakfast. Just remember not to change back until you're back here, even if you work out how."

Someone Susan thinks is Alice Tolipan says, "But we can't see."

"That's because you're expecting things to be like a human. You're not human at the moment, you're not related to any creature native to earth. Hmm, this might be uncomfortable as you're not part of my hive, but try to accept this from me."

Queen Potter (The Potter Xenomorph Saga: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now