"If I forgive you will you shut up?"

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(^^ Tits ^^)

Robin and Finney still hadn't talked to eachother since the plane. Both of them were extremely uncomfortable.

Robin was completely self-concious because of what had happened with Tera.

He hated himself, he wanted to scrub himself with spikes because he thought his body was so disgusting.

He hated that Tera wanted him only because of his body, he knew that she didn't like him for his personality or mind.

He got out of the bathroom from crying and he made sure his eyes weren't puffy and red.

He got out of the bathroom and laid down on the pull-out couch.

Finney stayed on his phone and Robin swore he heard Finney sniff as if he was crying.

Robin felt terrible and he knew he had to say something.

"Finn?" Robin asked, he was scared.

Finney ignored him so Robin continued talking.

"Look, i'm sorry. I know I hate you and stuff but what I did was fucked up. I shouldn't have looked through your personal things." Robin said as he picked at his fingers.

Finney was starting to get annoyed.

"Finn i'm just- I'm really sorry.." Robin said as he tried to get Finney to stop ignoring him.

"Finney will you please just talk to me?" Robin said as he laid on the pull-out.

"If I forgive you will you shut up?" Finney said as he sat up, his eyes were watery.

Robin still felt guilty so he thought he would do something that could maybe help.

He went over to Finney and hugged him as tight as he could, even if the smaller boy couldn't breathe he didn't let go.

Tera was right. Robin liked Finney.. Every feeling he had gotten when he hugged the boy wasn't some form of hatred. It was love.
456 words:)

A/N- Okay so I know that this chapter was hella short but tmmr there's most likely gonna be a long chapter if anything it will be around 600-700 words:) I haven't been feeling the best today, I had to write an essay abt a memory and I couldn't remember anything so I just resorted to the only thing I really remember, my brother's death. It was really hard to write but it was about 900 words so I got a good grade ig. Anyways, it's only been a few days and im already above 600!! I love you all so much<3 I'll make a special oneshot for every milestone we hit<3 (Example- 1k, 2k, 3k, 10k, etc) i love you all so so much! I don't have school this Friday so get ready for a shit ton of chapters this weekend!

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