"I fuckin called it."

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<< GWEN'S POV >>

I got up from my bed and looked in the adults room, only to see no one there.

I decided to see what Finney and Robin were up to, I looked in their room to see them both in the hot tub.

I smiled and got my swim-suit on, I wanted to join them.

I went to their room and opened the door quietly, only to see my brother on Robin's lap. They were making out...

I cleared my throat and they shot up to look at me.

"What. The. Fuck." I said as they seperated from each other.

I went inside and sat on the bed. I was in shock, I just saw my brother and our childhood bestfriend making out. Damn.

They both came in and I stood up.

"What it the hell was that?!" I said as I waved my arms around.

"I-It just happened.. Gwen you know how much I've liked Robin!" Finney said, he covered him mouth as the few words came out.

"Hey Gwen? How long has Finn liked me for exactly?" Robin asked as he smirked at Finney.

"Um I don't know? I think since like- 2nd or 3rd grade? Well that's when he first told me at least." I said as Finney gave me a death glare.

Robin put his arm around Finney's shoulder.

"So even after I beat the shit out of you, you still wanted to fuck me?" Robin said as Finney turned a deep red.

"I fuckin called it." I said as they both turned to me.

"Called what?" Finney said.

"You two, you both told me how much you liked each other so it was bound to happen." I said as Robin turned red.

"Both? Wait Robin told you he liked me? I-" Finney smiled at Robin.

Robin smiled back and I nodded.

"Why the hell are you nodding?" Robin asked.

"My work here is done, I got you two together sucsessfully." I said as they both shook their heads.

"Okay well get out, unless you wanna see us making out?" Robin asked as I shook my head and made a disgusted face.

I ran out and went back to my room, still dissapointed that I didn't get to be in the hot tub.

As Gwen left I raised my eyebrows.

"What do you mean 'making out'?" I asked as he smirked.

"Why don't I show you?" He asked as I nodded.

He pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me.

He put his lips onto mine, they slowly were in motion together.

I felt amazing, like it was just meant to be.

Robin's phone started ringing and he got up for a second, I looked at the phone to see Tera's contact.

I was scared but he answered.

"What the hell do you want Tera?" Robin asked as he sat on the bed.

"I'm not getting back with you, I like someone else." He said as I wrapped my hands around him.

I heard Tera through the phone.

"Who is she?! I bet she's a whore." Tera said, I giggled.

He stared at me and kissed me.

"You really wanna see who I picked over your dumbass?" Robin asked.

"Yeah! Fucking show me!" Tera yelled as Robin took a photo of me and sent it to her.

Tera was silent, she hung up and soon enough there was a twitter notification.

I checked my phone and it was Tera, she was telling everyone about how me and Robin were together and we were gays.

Fucking great.

Robin took my phone and put both of them in the fridge, weird place but works with me.

"Look, I don't care what happens. I just want to be with you." Robin said, making my face warm up.

I smiled as we connected our lips again.

Robin laid me down and our tongues danced together.

Robin soon went down to my neck, leaving hickeys and bite marks.

I let out a few small moans and I gripped onto Robin's hair.

I wanted more, and so I got it.
824 WORDS!!

A/N- I think we all know what he meant by "I got it"... Also, sorry I didn't write the actual smut part but I can't risk getting in trouble again lmao. YAYAYAYAY<333 FINALLY!! NEW CHAPTER<3 Okay so I know it's been literally forever but I have reasons! My mental health decreased so much and I was barely able to get up. It's better now but again, I'm so so sorry that you guys didn't get any chapters:( I'm gonna delete my specials bc I just feel it makes the story a lot longer than it needs to be, also I just don't like it<3 I love you guys and expect some new chapters today:))

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