Attack On Titan

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Song One: Outside

Group: Hollywood Undead

Fandom: Attack On Titan

Time: 3mins 42seconds


One Shot One: Kicked Out

Levi Ackerman pulled his coat tighter around himself as he trudged down the soaking wet streets, feet sloshing through the melting snow on the ground. He absolutely despised this part of Winter: the part that if you went outside you would most definitely come back soaked.

His breath misted in front of him as he carried on, seeing nobody around him. The streets were dead quite; Probably because everyone else was sane enough to stay inside. The only reason he was out here in this freezing cold was because he needed more Tacos. Tacos...

It was the though of Tacos that kept him moving forwards, towards the 24 hour convenience store he knew sold the food of the gods. It'd be okay. If he could just reach the convenience store, everything would be fine.


Five minutes later saw an extremely pissed Levi leaving the convenience store. They'd been out of Tacos. Of course they'd been out of Tacos. Why the hell wouldn't they be out of Tacos? Life did hate him, after all. He growled softly under his breath as he made his way back to his house, muttering about Tacos and convenience stores and nuclear missiles. He got all the way to his house, making detailed plans in his head about sneaking to Russia and launching a nuclear missile attack on the convenience store, when he heard yelling.

The man stopped with his keys half way to the door, ears pricking as he picked up on a yelled conversation.

"Don't you ever come back, you... You freak!"

"But Mum..."

The man's eyes widened drastically as he heard the second voice. A voice he knew far too well.

"No! Don't call me that, Eren! You're my son no longer! I didn't give birth to some abnormal piece of trash! I never want to see you again!"

With that the sound of a door slamming filled the streets, echoing off the houses. Levi looked to his right, seeing Eren Jaeger standing at the end of the street, seemingly in shock, hand half raised towards the door. The man sighed loudly, shaking his head as he began the walk over to the kid. It was pretty clear what had happened, and he just wouldn't feel right leaving the kid outside to freeze his ass off.

"Oy, brat."

Eren looked up, blue eyes widening slightly as he saw Levi.

"L-levi? What are you d-doing out this l-late?"

"I could say the same thing to you, brat."

The man raised his hand as Eren opened his mouth to speak, effectively silencing him.

"Don't worry, I heard everything. Come on, you can stay with me for a bit, I'd just get nightmares if I left you outside to get hypothermia or some shit. Follow me. Shitty brat."


I only just managed to finish that, and now my wrist hurts like shit. I didn't realise how quickly three minutes can go
T-T I really need to lower the amount I want to write, seriously, I loved this one shot but it was way too ambitious. I think it's pretty awesome how when that song started playing, I didn't have a clue what I was going to write, I just started writing. It was like magic!

Eww, what the hell am I saying!? Magic? Fuck.No.

Them missiles tho. See, this is what I was saying about this being a crack shot.

Oh, if anyone reading this wants me to turn this or any of the one shots into a full out story, just tell me in the comments and I will!

So, please vote, comment, and fan! See yah next song!

~ S

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