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Song Two: Medicine

Group: Hollywood Undead

Fandom: Naruto

Time: 3minutes 25seconds


One Shot Two: Sugar


The raven actually faceplamed, groaning as he felt hands clamp down on his shoulders, pushing him several inches into the ground. He coulda sworn he'd shrunk since meeting the blonde, he'd have to get Naruto back one day.

"What do you want, Naruto?"


The raven turned around quickly, grabbing Naruto's face in between his hands. He looked into the shining blue eyes for a few long moments, the same eyes he'd managed to fall in love with.

"You're high again, aren't you?"


The raven once again rolled his eyes for what seemed like the billionth time that day, mentally cursing his boyfriend's mother in his mind. Damn her.

"So, let me guess: Kushina-San decided it'd be a great idea to put sugar in the morning cup of milk, but her hand 'slipped' due to you 'accidentaly' bumping into her, and she ended up pouring half the packet in. Am I correct?"

The blonde nodded enthusiastically, Sasuke just shaking his head. Again.

"Come on dobe, let's g to the convenience store."


Sasuke started walking, Naruto practically skipping behind him.

"To buy more sugar for your Mum."

"Do I get to eat it?"

"No way in hell."


What, the songs about drugs, okay? I somehow don't think that Naruto would take drugs (who am I kidding, of course he would) so I made Kushina do the entire sugar thing. I dunno. This ones really short compared to the last one, guess that's because of the song length. Meh. I want pancakes.

Vote, comment, fan! See yah next one shot!

~ S

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