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Song Seventeen: Castle Of Glass

Group: Linkin Park

Fandom: Naruto

Time: 3minutes 25seconds


One Shot Seventeen:

The blonde sighed loudly as he looked down into the water below, into his reflection staring up at him. He sat on the bridge where he and the rest of team seven used to meet every day. No more.

He looked down into the image of himself, paying attention to the bright red eyes. They weren't his eyes, were they? Those evil eyes full of hate and malice couldn't possibly be his, could they? He raised one hand to reach up to his eyes, but froze as he saw the blood dripping from them in his reflection. The blood of his comrades.

It was him that had done it... He'd killed them. It was his weakness that had caused his death. If he'd only been able to protect them, all of them, instead of just a few... Damn it. The boy picked up a rock, throwing it at the reflection, hoping it would go away. He hated it. He hated that reflection.

He hated himself.


Some angsty Naruto shit there. I reaaaally wanna get this finished, my neck and wrists hurt and I seriously need some sleep.

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