Chapter 2 Masha

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"I seriously think you should go for it" I say to Ashton, he told me that they have a crush on Star a week or so ago but haven't made any moves yet, "Mash, I really don't think he likes me back" They state.

I step in front of them and look him in the eyes "you ask him out or so help me I will ask him out for you" I firmly say, Ash smirks "I'll ask star out when you ask Vee out" they say and walk past me.

I spin around on my heels and march back up to Ashton "I do not have a thing for vee I've made that very clear to you" I say spinning him around, they cross their arms "yeah right I see how you make goo goo eyes at her when she's not looking give me a break you are head over fucking heels" They state "I- I am not, your delusional" I say crossing my arms he chuckles "fine being denial it's your funeral" they responded and then walk towards their next class.

Me a crush on vee? That's ridiculous I walk off to my next class which happens to be with vee, she smiles her blonde hair pulled back and out of her face, her eyes just glem with excitement this one of the things I lo- like about vee because we're great friends and great friends admire stuff about each other right?

"Hey masha, how was your weekend?" She asks as I sit down, I shrug "same old, same old, slept till 11 and then went to work at the museum all day, you?" I question "hung out with Luz and her girlfriend as well as willow and my basically brother pretty boring tho, I was a fifth wheel all weekend" she answers, before I could ask another question the teacher walked in and started teaching the boring class.

After class i follow Vee to lunch while she rambles about random stuff, i smile, "Love doves we're over here!" Star calls out standing on on of the outside tables, I laugh a little at his antics i turn my head see Vee blushing i grab her arm and drag her to the table "Finally, soo me and Gina came up with this great idea.." i kind of zoned out at star's words but insted turnned my head to Vee who looked anxoius, i slip my hand into hers "are you ok?" i whisper, trying to not draw any attention to vee, because if there's one thing Vee hates more than the boiling isles its attention, "I'm fine Mash just a little anxouis about my drama audition friday" Vee whispers back.

i nod understanding a least a little bit, "you'll do great, to bad i have band pratice after school other wise i would totally be there" i whisper making her smile, she holds my hand the rest of lunch playing with my rings, its a habit I've gotten use to, Vee playing with my rings, pencils, ect. she really likes to fiddle with things when shes anxouis and i dont mind.

After school i drive Vee and Star home, dropping off Star first, "thanks again Masha" Star says as he climes out of the car, grabing his blue backpack from the back seat "bye Vee, crossing my fingers you get a good part in Peter Pan" He says with a cheeky smile before heading inside, Vee climes up front of my mom's car and buckles up.

"we should really have the group together at some point, maybe a sleep over or hang out at the club house" Vee says agjusting her seat, i nod "yeah we should" i say, i aprooch the noceda house seeing Luz and Hunter combating in the front yard? i park the car and clime out with Vee, "what are you guys doing?" Vee questions me standing beside her, "Hey vee, Masha, Hunter want to pratice his combat skills with out his powers so thats what we're doing" Luz states quickly before ducking out of the way of Hunter's fist.

"can i have a try?" i ask making Hunter and Luz stop in their tracks "i guess, we're both highly skilled tho" Hunter says i shurg "it could be fun" i state, Luz shrugs and switches places with me, i take off my rings and hand them to Vee before getting in a stance i see fit, "Bring it" i say, hunter charges I dive out of the way using moves i learned from my few self defence classes I've taken, Hunter turns around facing me again, I spin around grabing his arm and twisting it behind him kicking the back of his knees causing him to fall to the ground.

"Wow" i hear Vee breath, i smile and wink at her before i hear hunter tap out, i relase, "wow, you would've been a great guard" Hunter jokes, a new habit I heard Vee say that he picked up since being in the human relam, Joking about his trama now i know quite a few people that do that, "pretty empressive Masha" Luz say giving me a high five, "well i had better get going, bye Vee, i say heading to the car and driving off, once i arrive home thats when i remmber "my rings, shit" i whisper climing out of the car, "I'll just get them at school tommowor" i head inside "hey mom!" I say she turns around from cooking dinner "hey sweetie, how was school?" she questions i shrug "same as usual me and Vee hung out, i went to classes you know" i say placing my bag on the hook and taking off my combat boots.

"Vee, Vee, oh is that, that new girl that started a week or so ago, you've been hanging out with her alot havent you?" she emplies, i groan knowing what she's emplining "no mom, i dont like her like that" i say sitting at the table, my mom sighs "well idk who you like, at first i though you liked Ashton, then you brough that girl over, Ceclia? i think and-" i cut her off "first of all Ashton, like I've said mulitpul times is gay, they like Boys, and second Ceclia, doesnt like being called a girl, just call them my friend, and thats all we are friends" i state, my mom frowns and takes the pot of soup pouring two bowls before carring both to the table sliding one in front of me "i still dont understand, the whole not being a girl or not being a boy thing sweetie" she says.

"which is fine ma, but you still need to respect it and work on using the correct things it hurts my feelings" I state "well it hurt my feelings when you said you werent my daughter anymore" she says slighly rasing her voice, "I never said i wasnt your daughter i said i was still your kid" i say holding in tears, "Mar- Masha please, I'm trying i just dont get it" she says, i hold my tongue and eat my food in silince before heading upstairs.

she isnt transphobic or something she just wont listen, and i can tell she trying but it doesnt seem like enough, i fall on to my black comforter and stare up at the fairy lights on my ceiling...................................

words: 1233 10/31/2022

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