Chapter 5 Vee

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For warring/ I've never seen IT i dont watch horror movies soo i'm just going off of what I've heard......

"what movie are we seeing anyway?" i ask, Ash smiles "we're watching a horror movie, called IT" they say "isnt that about like a clown or something?" i ask he nods "Yep but its like possesed and stuff" Gina states, "how do you know that? you've never seen it" Gina's older brother states, he had to tag along with us for us to even get tickets, also because he's our ride.

i ignore they're bickering and turn back to my other friends, i smile when i spot Star trying to creep his hand into Ash's, they're sooo cute, "arent they adorable" Ceclia whispers, i nod, "Star's all, they dont like me and shit, i however think they're perfect for each other, like you and Masha" they whisper the last part quiter than before.

i blush a little, "knew it~" Ceclia sings before walking off to join Gina, we grab our popcorn and drinks before heading into the Movie, my seat number was between Gina and Masha, i squeezze in and take a sip of my drink, the Movie starts after almost and hour of traliers for other movies, half way into the movie i could'nt see why people we're soo terrifeid of this demonted clown thing I've seen much scarrier things on the boiling isles, quite a few of them have tried to eat me.

i turn my eyes towards the end of the row where i spot Ashton clinging on to Star for dear life, Ceclia enjoying the movie a little to much and Trever stealing popcorn from Ceclia because of how engulfed she is in the moive, i look at Gina who looks unamused and keeps fliping off her brother whos behind us, finally my eye avert to Masha, and insted of the big protective goth witch i know i see them cowering in their seat.

I lean over "are you ok?" i ask they turn their head and i can just see the fear in their eyes "I'm fine" they say their voice coming out sqeaky, i sigh "do you want me to hold your hand?" i ask they nod, i take their hand and before you know it their hiding their head in my shoulder, i pat their head and continue to watch.

the movie ends and i feel a heavy weight on my shoulder, Masha had fallen asleep, i smile down at them, their sooo cute, i pat their head to wake them, Masha sits up groaning "is it over? already?" Masha sighs i nod, they look at me then realize they we're sleeping on me the entire time "I'm sorry vee, you probally think I'm such a wuss" Masha says i shake my head "not at all, your just softer than i thought, and i kind of like that about you" i say.

And for the first time in the history of me knowing Masha, they Blush, i lean over so the others cant hear "besides it will just be our secert that your secertly a softly" i smirk trying to flirt, Masha bites their lip "your something else Vee" they state before standing up and streaching "well i dont know about you all but I'm hungry, Shakes and Burgers?" they say.

we all nod, we get seated at the dinner, and order our meals, everyone questioning why Gina's Brother is sitting at a table by himself but later just ignoring that he's there, "-and then the jump scares! great cenamtic master peice" Ceclia says before catching Star starring at Ashton which everyone had noticed just didnt say anything.

"soo star what did you think of the movie?" they pop the question on star who responds by not responding, "Star~ earth to Star~ has Ashton blinded you?" Ceclia says waving their hand in front of his face, Star snapped out of it "i umm, i wasnt staring" he says a few of us burst into laughter making Star hide his face out of embarcement "Ceclia leave him alone" Masha says.

"oh yeah? dont act like you werent hiding your face in Vee's shoulder" Ceclia says getting the group's attention, "Ceclia, I was the one hiding my face in Masha's shoulder, do you need a new glasses prescripsion?" i say, Ceclia takes off their glasses and wipes the glass "Maybe, that seems correct, wait, Vee are you admiting to leaning on Masha for suport" the group starts awwing but i ignore it, facing Masha who mouths a 'thank you' they have to keep up their goth witch badass thing going on right?

Before i knew it the day was over and i was being dropped off by Gina and her brother, i wave bye and head inside where I'm met with Camila starring at a picture of us, i walk over to her "oh hi vee" she says and places the frame down, "Luz will be ok, she always is" i say trying to bring comfort, Camila nods but then heads up to bed.

I groan and fall onto the couch, i stare up at the celling, before reciving an email on my phone

Dear Student

I Mrs. Clara have picked your rolls for this semester's play of peter pan, it isnt quite midnight yet but i just couldnt resit, rolls are as follows in aphabetcal order

Ally as understudy for Wendy Darling

Anna as Michal Darling

Ben as understudy for Dr. John Darling

Calia as Mary Darling

Dasiy as lost boy one

Dillan as Dr. John Darling

Ellie as lost boy two

Finnly as Smee

Gina as Peter Pan 

Harry as Crew member two

Jayden as Tinker bell

Jason as Mr. Darling

Kenny as understudy for Tinkerbell

Lori as Stage Mannager

Oliver as understudy for Peter Pan

Pepper as Mrs Darling

Penny as understudy for Tinkerbell

Tommy as understudy for Smee

Vee as Captin Hook

Zoe as Tigerlilly

(exstenive list for back ground charcaters...........)

Captin Hook hu? the Villian, before i knew it Gina had texted me

(Gina) Girl! I'm Peter Pan, your Captin Hook!!!

(Vee) Yeah i know, idk why I'm playing the villan tho

(Gina) who cares? you got a singing/speaking part your going to rock this, gtg byee vee <3

I turn off my phone and sigh, tommowor another day of school, for once in my life things seem normal in a way, when is it going to come crashing down?............

words: 1083 11/21/2022

No chapter next week, hope yall enjoy your thanksgiving and have a great day/night...............

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