Chapter 11 Vee

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i open my eyes in my bed, was it just a dream? i sit up and go to the mirror, i look like Luz, "Miji breakfast!" my mom yells from downs stairs, i smile and rush down stairs spoting hunter and mom, "mom!" i shout huging her, "whats the matter Luz?" she asks "i had the awful dream you were their and hunter and-" i start "slow down, why dont you have some breakfast before you start telling me about this dream" she says i nod and take a plate sitting beside hunter.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, i pull it out and see its a text from masha, "hey honey, you ready for our date tonight?" i read the text and smile "yes of course" i text back, this is perfect, almost to perfect, "luz you ready for school?" mom asks, Luz, Luz, Luz, Thats not my name, "this isnt real is it?" i say standing up "of course it is dear whats wrong?" fake mom says "no, this isnt real, i'm not Luz, Luz is Luz she has an awesome girlfriend named amity, me and masha arent together, i- this isnt real" i say.

her face drops "geeze why are kids this day to smart for me?" the demonic voice says, the ground fall out from under me i fall past my memorys of my friends, and Masha i hit the cold mirror ground before standing up, "fear these days, does do what it use to" it said, i look around before seeing Camila i run over to hug  her but she backs away "who are you?" she asks.

"is me its its vee your daughter?" i say she shakes her head "i would never adopt a monster like you" she says before dissapering, i search before spoting Luz and hunter "Luz i-" but she just turnned away "you should have been destoryed with belos" she says "your not my sister" hunter says, and it start to hurt more than it did before.

Thats when i see my friends, i walk over slowly "eww a monster!" Ceclia yells, they all run far far away "how could i ever love someone like you?" a fimiller voice says from behind me, I'm to scared to turn around, i slowly turn and see masha the face i was dreding, "you just exspect me to fall for you after you confesee your love? goddess your more guible than you look, let me make this clear, we're not friends, we're not lovers, we're nothing, i would never assoiate with a monster like you" they say.

That broke me, i fall to the ground on my knees, my worst fear has come true, being alone with no help, my brain races i feel numb and broken, "see what did i tell you? no one cares for little Vee" the voice echos "vee" a faint voice "Vee, Vee wake up" it gets louder over croweding my thoughs "Vee, Vee, this is masha i hope you c-can hear me i-i dont know w-what your seeing in there, i know, i know its scary but im here for you, I-I i was going to tell you earlier but no, your not Luz, and you never will be, i know how it feels to want to be someone your not trust me, i- i wanted to be that girl for so long but turns out i'm not even a girl and theirs going to be hard time, people arent going to like who you are and thats ok because the people that care, that really care will be there for you, like your mom and Hunter, Ashton, Ceclia, Gina, Trevor, Star, Willow, Amity, even Luz, we all care. but even if you dont believe they do you can be sure of this, I've liked you since day one, I've wanted to be your friend heck more than a friend since day one, i care about you, i want to be there for you in the mist of everything, i want to hold you and make you feel loved, and even when the seasons change, day or night i'll be there because i care and i love you so please Vee wake up" masha's voice cracks at the end my brain hurts.

i feel pain but over top of that i care for masha, i care for my found family i care for my friends and i cant leave them not yet, i stand up and look at the dark room the echoy voice is gone, i take a breath and close my eyes "i'm not afraid, I'm not scared, i have people who care i dont need to live in a fantasy" i open my eyes and see Masha, i feel the goo fall off my body, i sit up and smile at Masha, they smile wide and wraps their arms around me.

i hug them back tighty not wanting to let go, tears fall down my face as i pull away, their eyes are also red, wiping their tears with my thumb, they hold my face "you love me?" i whisper they nod "I love you too" i say, they smile, i lean in and kiss them softly, i back away and smile they blush before grabing my face again and kissing me.

"you ready to get out of here" i say they nod, i take a glyph from their pocket and place it on the ground, taping it lightly a small flower key grows, i pick the key up and unlock the cage, i place out my hand, Masha takes it and steps out of the cage, "pull that lever over there" i say Masha nods and pulls the lever the cages slowly lower to the floor.

I rush over and unlock Luz's cage, she run out and hugs me "you did it vee" she says, frown "i really didnt, the fear creature escaped, i went down in a nightmare, i nearly got us all killed, and now the human realm is in danger because of me" i say Luz shakes her head "No, Vee, its not your fault, the human realm and this realm we're already in danger, if anyone is to blame it that creature, Vee your my sister, you've gone through stuff and i understand that more than i should" she says "well, you better go save the world" i say, she places a hand on my shoulder "we're saving the world together but first we need to get everyone out of these cages" i smile.

once everyone is free me Luz and my friends all head out into the woods, "whats the plan" Masha says wraping an arm around me "Willow, Hunter, Ashton and Star stay here and keep the others safe "Me, Amity, Masha, Luz, Camilia, and the owl lady are going to stop this thing before it hurts anyone else" i say......

words:1158 12/19/2022

this book is coming to an end, two more chapters than a bonus chapter, i hope you've enjoyed this book so far..........

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