Chapter 4 Masha

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"soo Luz has gone off to save the boiling isles once again? man, your sister can not catch a break can she?" Ashton says, me ,Vee, Trever, and Ashton are hanging out in the park, the OGs, "its been awhile since its just been us four, i kind of forgot about the demon relm stuff" i state Vee nods agreeing "i kind of wanted to forget ya know?" Vee says.

we all have heard at least once about Vee's trama of the boiling isles, she broke down one night, telling us everything in a jumbled mess before completly shut down the rest of the night, didnt say a word to me or the others, just curreld up in the conner of my couch with a blanket sipping some hot chocolate i brought her, evencaully she fell asleep but man that was a ruff night, recently she's been more open with it but still wont go into detail.

"there's a movie showing tommowor afternoon after school? I already asked everyone they all want to go, are you three up for it?" Ashton asks we all nod, I'm a little suprised Ashton wants to go to a movie theater, concitering its one of their no, no places, i wonder, "Hey Ash, would this have anything to do with a surtain blue haired boy?" i ask, Vee and Trever turn their heads towards Ashton whos face is now dusted with a faint pink blush, "i knew it~" i sing they block their face "wait, you like Star?" Vee asks curiously like she doesn't already know but it's vee she doesn't want to make it obvious.

Ash nods "thats great, I hope it works out" Vee says Ash shakes his head, "sorry Vee, but i'm sad to say Star would never like me like that" they state, Vee hopful face frowns, "dude, are you blind? that dude is ready to run into fire for you dude" Trever says, "see, even Trever who no offence, cant see half the time, can see how he's sooo into you, you should go for it" I shout a little louder than nessasery.

They groan, "I'm not making any moves until i know that for sure, end of story, soo your all in for movie tommowor?" Ash says getting us back to the orignal question, we all nod, we all head to my house shortly after hanging out in my bedroom, i do a few tarot readings for Ashton predicting a great romance coming soon, and new changes, they dont believe in this stuff but give into my antics.

Vee changes into her basilisk form getting comfortble in my bean bag in the corner next to my non-binry flag and lesbain flag, i see her eyes drift around my room, everytime shes in here it seems she get's more amazed each time, i see her eyes fixate on something, i follow her eyes and smile when i see they've land on a photo of my mom and me.

i stand up and pick up the photo "you look like your mom" Vee says, i nod "i get that a lot" i say moving over to vee, ignoring Trever and Ashton's conversation in the oposit corner, "she used to be really cool, she would take me on hikes and help me find my own crystals for my collection, it would bring us closer, and after my dad left i really needed it, but-" i cut myself off.

"but what?" Vee asks, i sigh "but, then i came out as non-binry, she was always suportive of me for being gay and liking girls but the whole, i'm not a boy or a girl stumpt her, she never really got the whole being trans thing either any thing to do with gender is didnt get, she still doesnt get it, she says she's trying but i dont know if i believe her ya know?" i say looking at the picture in my hand.

i feel a scaly claw slip into mine, "well i get it, as much as i can, i mean clearly I'm not human yet i wish i was" Vee says, i smile at her, we're both soo diffrent yet the exact same its, weird, i hear a knock on my door and quickly grab a blanket throwing it on top of Vee hidding her tail behind my back, my mom opens the door "hi everyone, wheres-" she starts but Vee pops out from under the blanket in her human form "hi miss Johnson" she says with a smile, i hold in a laugh.

"Hello Vee, well, i just came up to tell you that Ashton's Mom is here and is taking everyone home" my mom states, i frown a little but stand up streaching out my hands towards Vee, she smiles and takes them, i pull her up to her feet a little to close to my face but i just back away quickly, "bye!" i wave as they walk out of my room, before i remmber, "Vee wait!" i say she turns around "yes Masha?" confusion traces her face.

"i have something for you" i say and run over to my night stand where i had left a necklace i had made last night for Vee, i grab the necklaces and rush it over to Vee "the crystal helps with healing, i though it would suit you" i say she smiles "thank you Mash, could- could you help me put it on?" she questions, I nod, she spins around and i place it around her neck tieing the edge of the string.

she turns back around "how does it look?" she asks i sigh softly "beauiful" i breath, red apears on the edge of her cheeks, "Vee! hurry up!" Ashton yells from the bottom of the stairs, "well umm bye Masha" she says and runs down the stairs cluching the stone part of the necklace in her hand, I smile before shuting my door and sliding to the floor, a smile plastered on my face.

i hold my own necklace in my right hand cluching it tight, "curse you Ash" i whisper "you we're right, i do like her" i breath "I like Vee Noceda the Basilisk from the boiling isles.........................

words:1046 11/14/2022

Hey yall, I'm taking next week off from posting starting tueday so there will be one more new chapter before then but it maybe be a few days before the next post if that makes since, anyway i hope your enjoying the bookso far its moving a little fast i know but Vee is kind of oblivous to human emotions soo it may take a few chapters before she figures it out ;)

hope you'll continue reading.........................

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