Chapter 7 Vee

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Early that Morning

I woke up a few hours before i was supost to and headed downstairs to actually enjoy my breakfast instead of scoffing it down, i slither down the stairs a blanket pulled around me, my tail keeping it off the floor,  before heading into the kitchen, i sit at the island, the house is quiet and peaceful i smile as i take the box of ceral left over from last night's 'dinner' and eat straight from the box, who needs a bowl?, as i take another hand full i hear a door open from in the living room.

i slither into the living room to see the portal door, i smile excpeting Luz and Hunter to be back but i was wrong, the door opens and out falls Gus, Eda, Eda's sister and another witch boy, the door shuts as the Owl Lady hits the button, "that hurt" Gus states before spoting me, "oh Hi Vee" he says with a not very convicing smile, "wh-" before i could even start Camilia was down stairs "what's going on? Eda wheres Luz and Hunter?" she says helping the Owl lady in harpy mode up.

"sorry Noceda, I wish i knew, Me and Lilly were looking for the sourse of this problem we have and lost there group in the crowed of scared witches, I know their with Amity, Willow, my partner and an ex coven Witch named Daruis, all six of them were suppost to be getting people to the far end of the boiling isles at least those who are awake but something went wrong, before i knew it my wing was shot with something and i ran into these three helping someone out but that was before the screach-" Eda says.

Gus nods "yes, there was this horrible sound, scared everyone and next thing I know Miss Lillith is pushing us into the portal" everyone turns to Lillith whos pacing back and forth, "lilly what happend? why did you grab the key?" Eda says placing a hand on lilliths shoulder to get her to stop pacing, "Edalyn, what i saw, that, that wasnt like any other demon, human, witch, or creature we've fought, it, it-" she started to spiral, "i need to get us out" she breaths before sitting on the couch.

we all look around concerend, "I'll go get some Tea" Camilia says leaving the room, i look over at Gus and his friend who are talking inhush whispers, "Gus whats been going on?" i ask he sighs before sitting on the floor the boy joinning him, "well it started with me helping Matt get his parents awake but then it got worse-" he says.

Matt nods, "I woke up this morning and both my parents wouldnt wake up so i called Gus who came over to help me but slowly this shiney black liquid start to consume them, Gus dragged me out of the house to see the Owl lady and Gus's friends trying to get people out of their homes and keep them awake or something, there was a lot of yell and thats the last thing i remmeber before being pushes in here by Lillith" Matt states turnning his head at the woman whos taking sips of her Tea.

i stand up and walk over sitting on the opisit side of the owl lady, "We really need help" Eda mummbles, Camilia comes from downstairs kitted out with her bat and a few other things, "thats why I'm coming with you" Camilia says, i look at her in disbelife, "really mama are you sure?" i ask she nods "your sister is in trouble, I'm completly ok with you not coming with us" she say i look at everyone in the room and nod before hugging Camilia.

Lillith evencually gainned her composer and nodded to Eda who helped her up, they all filed into the door Eda waiting to go last, "Vee" she says i turn my head and look at her, she walks over handing me a vial, "if we arent back in a week, use this, it will create a one time use portal around any arch, Luz and i made if for an emergentcey like this, we might need more help than we can mannge" she says i nod and before you know it the portals gone and I'm alone in the living room once again.

Back to orginal timeline

I walked to school today which with my extra time was fine but as i laid eyes on the school i felt my insides turn, my family is in danger and i cant do anything about it, i head into school sitting in my chair waiting for class to start, i dont know what happend but i just kind of snapped and ran out of class as soon as it was over.

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