Chapter 10 Masha

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we've been walking for a few hours now, i've noticed a few things since being here, one the sky seems to be slowly geting darker by the second, two Vee seems really on edge i mean i cant blame her she almost lost her brother and on top of that she came back to a tramaic place without being ready for it, three Ashton and Star seem off, like really off not the normal amount I'm keeping my eye on them, on the other hand Willow and Hunter have been a blushing mess since earlier and its slightly sicking.

as we approch the ruins of what looks like a castle, Vee stops at the edge of the mote, "lets take a break" she says, we all sit down and breath, despite the gray sky spreading across the ground, the parts that havent been turned yet are really cool, it looks exactly like the books i read when i was younger, colorful sky's orange trees all year round, castles i feel like im in a werid horror filled fantasy novel.

"i think our best bet is to find the sourse and stop it" Vee says Willow, Hunter, and Me nod in agreement, "why should we do that?" Star asks "because we need to stop whats causing this?" i say "or we could just live in it forever like come on its amazing isnt?" Ashton starts, my gut told me to get ready to run, i stand up pulling vee up with me, "Are you two ok?" i ask.

"what makes you ask that?" the say at the same time, yep deffinetly not Star and Ashton, "Yep your not our friends, what did you do with them?!" i shout, me and vee were still a good distance from them, Hunter and Willow We're a bit away enought to watch in horror as me and Vee stand very close to the edge.

"your friends are fine, their just sleeping" the one that looks like star says, "how long have you been them" i say steping backwards as they get closer "since you entered the city, we caught them as soon as you spitled up you dont thing our boss doesnt have eyes everywhere? he's espically excided to meet you Vee Noceda" they say looking directly at Vee, before i new it i took a miss step causing me to fall, i grab on to the leage and hold on for dear life, "Vee!" i shout but shes frozen in fear "Vee!" i shout again, my fingers start to slip, i start to fall but something catches me, vines, but their slowly fading.

"I-I c-cant h-hold it forever!" Willow shouts, i nod and clime back on soild ground, out of the corner of my eye i see Willow calaps into hunter's arms, i look around for Vee and see her being surrounded by two gloobs that empersionated our friends, i run over steping between them and Vee "leave her alone!" i shout they take a step back "whats a human like you going to do?" it asks, i smirk "i may be human but i have a few spells up my sleave" i say pulling out a peice of paper with a ruin on it, Luz gave it to me 'incase of an emergency' knowing Vee's sister i figured it was magic when she first gave it to me.

i slap the paper on the ground and a flame shoots up "cool" i whisper, using the distraction to grab Vee's hand and rush her over to hunter who was still tending to Willow, "here masha!" he says and hands me a stack of papers, Luz had them in her pocket before she was captured" he states i nod and take them.

the gloobs start running towards us, i use the plant ruin and throw it on the ground vine sprot up i point them in the direction of the shapshifters, wraping round them i use an ice ruin and freeze them, i take a breath and stick the extras in my jean pocket, before stomping over to them "where's your 'boss'" i say they hold their toungs "fine, hard way then" i pull out a fire ruin and hold it up to their faces "fine, fine, he's in the old titan tower, but you'll never win he has eyes everywhere" one of the gloobs says.

i scoff "well if thats true then he better be listening right now, you hear me 'Boss'? me and my friend will find you and when we do you will pay, also" i say and flip the bird at the sky "you two are stuck here till you melt but with the cold breeze that might be awhile" i finish before walking back over to the others, speaking of cold breeze since the sky has gotten dark it has started getting cold, this thing must like it cold.

"Vee are you ok?" i ask bending down to the ground she looks terrifed, i wrap and arm around her before turning to hunter and willow "is she going to be ok?" i ask Hunter nods "this thing took all the magic from this world or as much as it could, using magic at the moment causes witches to be drained since their useing what ever is left in their bodies, she'll be like this for a few hours, you two go ahead and stop this thing i'll stay here with her" hunter says.

i look at him than a vee who looks like she might pass out just like willow, "fine, but be safe, also where this titan tower?" i ask "its across the boiling sea" Vee whispers, i turn to her "how are we going to get there?" i ask quietly she shakes her head "its impossibe with out a palisman" she mummbles "u-use mine" Willow's voice says, Hunter's face lights up with relfe, "C-Clover will t-take you two across, go safe the boiling isles" she says before passing out again, "she needs to rest" hunter says i nod, taking the bee from her hand and watch it turn into a staff "wow" i gasp before hopping on it like a witches brom stick.

Vee follows after and we fly, her arms wrap around my waist tightly as we fly higher, we fly for what feels like hours above the sea befor coming across a jungle infested island, we land on the beach, i thank Clover before giving it a note "if we arent back in a few hours take this to hunter" i say, it buzzes in responce before flying to another part of the island.

"ready?" i ask Vee nods, we start to walk but before we get far from the beach Vee stops, i turn to her "whats wrong vee?" i ask she looks down at the ground, i frown "vee i know something is bothering you please tell me whats wrong?" i ask she looks at me her eyes swealling with tears i step closer but she backs up "Vee?" i ask she start to sob quietly to not alert whatever is in these woods, "i-i-" i step closer again she doesnt move, i place a hand on her shoulder so i dont spook her.

"Take you time" i whisper, we dont really have time but this is vee, i would risk the world for her, "i-i- i cant lose you" she says i blink a few times "your not going to lose me" i say "you dont know that!" she shouts i brace myself hearing the wind blow as a chill comes through "You dont know that" she whispers "whys that?" i asks matching her tone.

"w- when i saw you fall everything flashed before me, i couldnt keep Ashton and star safe, i could barrly function, then you fell and i froze i couldnt even help you, then willow nearly killed herself trying to save you when i couldnt, i'm not like Luz i- I cant save the people i care about, i could barrly walk through that door, I'm not a savoir or a hero, i'm weak meak Vee who shys away from the world, i avoid the consquinces and let others deal with it, i'm a litteraly a monster Masha, i'm not even ment to exsit, i will never be a noceda and i sure wont be normal, i'm Vee the basklis who messes everything up because i cant face my fears" she says

"vee you-" but i was cut off by soliders surounding us, i go to pull ruins out of my pocket but end up being grabbed by one of the soilders, i look at Vee who looks broken, we're draged off into a stone tower, a gate closed behind us as we aproched a chair, blue flames filled the room, but some how it was still cold like ice box cold.

"well Vee you finally made it" a voice says, i look around as a dark figure walks out from the shadows, and its my mom? "Belos!" Vee shouts, but i see my mom? whats going on here, "as much as i love confusion and chaos, no I'm not belos or whatever the black haired one is seeing, no i'm in the form of you worst nightmare person, you two have been getting in my way of invading the human relam, that stops now" it says.

a blue light apers showing cages on the ceiling, very orignal, i spot Luz and her girlfriend in one, Mrs. noceda in another, and shoot Hunter along with a sleeping Willow in another along with who i'm assuming is the towns people of the boiling isles, "we'll start with your friend shall we?" it says shooting some goo at me, it lands on my skin but nothing happens, "why arent you sleeping?" it questions.

"i guess once you've defeated your fears once it doesnt work anymore" i say, it scoffs "fine, i dont care for you anyway" it says and points at a guard, the guard picks me up and throws me in a cage, "vee Fight it dont let it win!" i shout, goo get shoot at her and see fall to the ground instanly, panic fill me, "put her in that cage, time to switch realms" it says before two soilders bring Vee to the cage before locking us in together.

"on to the human relam" it shouts before walking out with its soilders, "no, no, Vee! Vee wake up!" Tears leave my face, "vee please wake up, wake up, wake up!".............

words: 1771 12/19/2022

Two chapters today and the rest will be posted friday!.................

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