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(Masha's POV Seven year time skip)

"Masha where are we going?" Vee squrims trying to remove my hands from her eyes, "you'll see in a minute, be patient" i laugh, I'm not used to the whole romance thing, the only other girlfriend I've had other than Vee had been a girl in like fourth grade and that didnt last long, I really really want to make Vee feel special and after the whole BS a few years ago and the fact we're still dealing with the boiling isles, i want to give her a break.

Amity and Luz helped me with this suprise as much as they could with their little girl running around, Hunter and Willow really wanted to help but have been in the boiling isles going on all sorts of adventures sending pictures every chance they get, Gus and his boyfriend are bussy planning for their future on wether they want to stay in the boiling isles or explorer the human realm more so they we're no help in this.

Star and Ashton just recently got engaged, I mean I'm the one who planned the damn thing, since Ashton couldnt decide on one idea, Ceclia was the most help concitering her music career is starting to take of slowly but surly, Gina is off in new york acting like she aways dreamed and Trever helps star at the animal shelter as offten as he can, we're doing pretty great for ourselfs as it is.

"ok we're here" i say uncovering her eyes, she gasps, its a hidden garden area me and Ceclia found a few weeks ago, "do you like it? Cece and your sister helped me hang lights, your sister in law helped me bring a table down here with her witch powers, i prepered some lunch and thought it would be nice-" Vee cut off my rambleing "I love it" she says turnning to me i smile proud of myself.

we sat down eatting the food i brought, sandwiches, fruit, brownies and a bunch of other things, "you didnt have to do all this for me" she says i smile "well as your partner i felt it was my way of giving you a break from whatever is going on right now, she smiles "you are an amazing girlfriend" she says taking a bite out of her sandwich, i blush, "i have something for you tho" she says i look up at her confused "but its your day?" i ask she shrugs "maybe it could be ours?" she states.

i sit there very confused as she stands up, "now how'd did Luz say to do this? oh yeah!" she says remmbering, before getting on one knee! "Masha Jones will you do me the honers of marrying me?" she say, my jaw drops "so?" she asks worry in her voice, i nod franticly "of course!" i shout showing the most emotion i've show in awhile, she laughs sliping the ring on my finger.

i stand up and spin her around, i place her back on the ground "i though that was Luz and Amity's thing?" she says i shrug "they can get over it" i say and kiss her, the gray clouds form aboved our heads earlier started to snow, i look up and smile "we should probally get inside before we get to cold" she says i laugh "of course my fiance" i say she giggles "i like that" she says........

The End......Words:579 12/23/2022

This is the end sadly, yes i wrote a another engagement ending deal with it, I'm a sucker for romance that ends in marriged or in a romanctic setting, i hope you enjoyed this book, this will probally get an update sometime in the year 2023 when i feel up to it but for now enjoy this masha x Vee fic, i will still be posting on my short story book(s) as much as i can but i'll be taking a break from new years Eve to probaly the middle of january just because i need a mental break thank you for all the suport on my books and i hope you read more soon <3<3<3 Byeeeeeeeeee.

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