Chapter 8 Masha

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Cecila's house is huge, I've never been to Ceclia's house but the others have, except maybe Vee, we walk to the front door and knock, Cecila opens the door "HI!!!!" they sceam and hug us both before dragging us upstairs, the others are on the green carpet on the floor, Cecila's room is exacally what you would exspect from them.

DIY clouds on the celling, a random blue tiny christmas tree in the coner, vines, pictures of us, and a gaint rainbow painted on one of the walls, along with their pride flags above their bed, i sit with vee on the lime green carpet with the others, "great everyone is here, gummy worm?" they ask holding out a bag, i shake my head, but Vee takes a few.

"what should we do?" Star asks, we all shrug, "ooooo!!! how about we play Cards against humanity?" Gina says we all shrug and nod, Ceclia pull the game out from under her messy bed, "I'm pretty sure a few of the cards are missing but its still play able, and like Ceclia her room is as messy as her ADHD brain, i draw my ten cards having to discard an uno card that was some how in the deck.

once everyone had they're cards i grab the first black card "blank, Achievement unlocked" i say reading the black card, everyone looks down at their hand, Trevor was first to place his card down, then Gina, then so forth until Vee was the last one to put in her car, "Third Base, Achievement unlocked" causing a few laughs, i move on to the next card "homework, Achievement unlocked" Vee snickers a little, "Gay, Achievement unlocked" i say laughing "well i think we all have that Achievement" Ash says we all nod in agreement.

we play a few more rounds, Star winning by having the most wins, we talked until pizza arrived and Ceclia made us move the party downstairs, we sit on the couches stuffing pizza into out faces enjoying everyone's commany well at least i was, i turnned my head to Vee who looked unsure, i was about to talk to her when "are you two holding hands!" Ceclia says we all turn our heads to Star and Ash sitting in the coner with smirks on their faces, "so me and Ashton have started dating, big deal" Star says causing Gina and Ceclia to go off on a rant on why its such a big deal.

i turn my attention back to Vee who's now leaving the room, i follow her and find her sitting on the stairs, "is it too much?" i ask sitting next to her "i can take you home, and we can just watch movies or just sleep or-" she shakes her head "no Masha, this, this is fine, this is good, its just i miss my mom, and i hope that she's ok" Vee says i nod.

"hey are you two going to come watch the movie?" Gina asks, i look at Vee she nods, we walk into the living room and sit on the couch with the others as Parent trap plays on the TV, "what if i have a secert twin?" Gina says "that would be soo cool dude" Trevor comments, everything was going good and we were all enjoying ourselfs, Star was asleep on top of Ashton who was running their fingers through his hair.

i smile and look down at the girl in my lap, Vee is sound asleep holding my hand, on the other end of the room Gina is starring intently at the screen, Ceclia and Trevor are in a deep conversation about something. i relax and fall asleep, Masha~ Masha~ Masha!, my eyes shoot open, I'm in a dark room my mom at the other end "Masha, sweetheart" she says with tears in her eyes, i run over to her and hug her, "I missed my girl" she says, i step back, "I'm not a girl" i say, her smile shifts "yes you are, your my daughter" she says as her face shifts into someone i dont know.

"no, I'm your kid not your daughter, I'm not a girl" i say "arent you tho?" i demon like voice says, i spin around as my mom's figure disapears, "do you really believe your not a girl?" the voice echos, "who are you?" i ask "dont you reconize me?" the voice says, a swril of black dust flies around me, the dust forms into a figure and there i see it my face in the shadow.

"I'm you, or more specifally your doupt, deppression, and anxiety" it says with a smirk, I back away "no, your not real" i shout, "oh but am I? i might not be physical but i'm up here" it says tapping my forehead, "You are a girl, your friends think your a girl, your mom, and more importantly Vee" it says "Vee?" i ask it nods "vee knows your a girl but more importantly doesnt like you, like you like her" it says starting to spin faster around me "no your wrong!" a laugh shoots into the dark, "oh Masha how naive are you~" its voice fills my ears pouring out of me.

"Masha" a sweet voice breaks the nosie in my brain, "Masha? Masha wake up" Vees voice, its Vee, "she does care" i say "no she doesnt she-" the voice tries to conter act, "no, she does, she's shown that she cares in more ways then one, your just the voice in my head" i shout, "you cant get rid of me that easily I'm apart of you i always will be!" it shouts i nod "you will, but you wont control me" i say standing my ground.

I shoot up, waking up on the couch, Vee standing beside me, before relfie covers her face, she smiles and jumps on me crushing my ribs, "your ok" Vee says and hugs me again, "what happend?" i ask Ash looks at Trevor, "well, you started to have a nightmare i guess and then this werid black stuff apered, it started to cover you starting at you head, it slowly engulfted you, but there was this bright light and the goop dissapered" Ashton says exsplaining to the best of their ablitys "It has something to do with my sister and mom" Vee says sitting on my lap.

"what, where are the others?" i ask "well" Vee started but Ceclia walked into the room "you four have some exspaining to do" they state not being their usual peppy self, i look at vee "do you want to tell them or should we?" i say gesturing at Ashton and Trevor she sighs "its my world, it may be best if i exspain it" she says i nod.........................

words:1139 12/14/2022

Two chapters every week until christmas....................Byeeeeeee..................

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