Chapter Twenty Four

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Rhaenyra sat next to Verena holding her hand as the Maester stitched up the large cut on her arm.
Verena winced as the needle slid through her arm and out the other side.
Maelor sat next to her after being patched up with Jace and Luke.

"It will scar but it will heal.
Valyrian steel cuts clean."

Verena nodded before Rhaenyra excused him and Laenor walked in.

"Maelor ivestragī's jikagon,
īlon jorrāelagon naejot ȳzaldrīzes."
"Maelor let's go,
we need to talk."

Verena bent down to kiss Rhaenyra's cheek and left the room with her son.

Maelor and Verena walked to their chambers where Athena sat with Daemon practicing her Valyrian.
Verena smiled softly watching the scene.
Verena pulled Maelor to her and spoke softly but also firmly,

ao daor dīnagon aōha ondos va nykeā prince nykeā anyone syt bona maetr.
Nyke gīmigon ao istan trying naejot mīsagon aōha lentor yn ao could emagon issare punished, ao could emagon issare ossēntan!
Nyke daor ojughagon ao issa jorrāelagon.
Avy jorrāelan tolī than se vēzos loves se hūra.
Nyke jorrāelagon ao naejot umbagon alvie.
Syt ao mandia.
Syt aōha kepa's memioy."
You cannot put your hands on a prince or anyone for that matter.
I know you were trying to protect your family but you could have been punished, you could have been killed!
I cannot lose you my love.
I love you more than the sun loves the moon.
I need you to stay alive.
For you sister.
For your father's memory."

Daemon nodded before adding into the conversation,

"ao ivīlībagon aōha lentor.
Yn ao vīlībagon srmat."
"You fight for your family.
But you fight smart."

Maelor looked at Daemon confused of why he was in their chambers.
Verena noticed before clearing up the confusion,

"You know how I told you about my prince when i was younger?
This is him.
He protected me just like if anything happened to me he'd take care of you."

Verena got up and walked to Athena and picked her up into her arms.
Holding her tight.

"Hello my sweet,
how was your day?"

Athena started talking their ears off as Daemon stood and kissed Verena's cheek gently,
She smiled at him before turning her attention back to her children.

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