Chapter IV - Your Gods

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In the place where Gazef once stood now stands Solomon, Ainz, Albedo and Shogi, facing the enemy from the Slane Theocracy. The enemy commander, unimpressed, stares at the four new people, noticing Gazef is completely gone.

???: "Who are you?"

Solomon: "Nice to meet you, scum of the Slane Theocracy. My name is Solomon Ars Goetia and this is my friend Ainz Ooal Gown. Please refer to us as your Gods."

Shogi and Albedo: (So cool!)

Ainz: (Playing the villain against the villains huh. I'll play along.)

A short silence between the two parties takes place where only the wind can be heard before the commander of the enemy starts laughing as if he heard the funniest joke ever.

???: "Hahaha! You? Gods? You really are a funny guy, for making me laugh I would grant you lot mercy... however claiming yourselves to be gods is nothing but blasphemy, punishable by death at the hands of our angels, the envoys of heaven!"

For the first time during this conversation, Ainz speaks up.

Ainz: "We have a bit of a relationship with that village."

???: "So you have come to beg for the lives of those villagers?"

Ainz: "No, no. Actually... We overheard your conversation with the head warrior. You really have a lot of balls."

???: "Huh?"

Ainz: "You announced that you'd massacre the villagers that we bothered saving. Me and my friend here cannot imagine anything more offensive."

???: "Offensive!? Big words magic caster. So what will you do about it?"

Ainz: "Offer your life to me without resistan..."

Before Ainz finishes his line Solomon steps in.

Solomon: "Hold it there Ainz... we had a bet, I won so I get to take out our first enemy, you're trying to give the enemy a chance at escaping?"

Ainz: "Huh? You already took out the knights in the village."

Solomon: "You think they count as an enemy? Those were cannon fodder, this guy is the commander and they have angels, I get to take them on."

Ainz: "Fine." looks towards the Slane Theocracy soldiers "Unfortunately your luck has ended, there will be no mercy whther you beg or not."

???: "Have the angels attack!"

As the battle begins and the angels charge at the four of them, Solomon simply walks forward casually and as the angels get close to him and are about to attack he counters with the same spell used to take down the Knights at the village.

Solomon: "Lower level angels such as yourselves should bow before their superior. Presence of the Demon King."

The angels come crashing down to the ground as gravity crushes them and the ground they stand on wiping out the angel assailants completely.

Solomon: "Huh aren't these the Archangel Flames from Yggdrasil?" glares suspiciously towards the enemy "Change of plans, i'll keep one of you alive to tell me where you got that magic from."

???: "All every single one of the angels attack at once!"

All of the angels except for the big one charge towards Solomon as he raises his hand and casts one of his time spells.

Solomon: "Im afraid that won't work. Lesser Key: Act I, Unbirth Thyself O God."

All of a sudden all of the angels are gone, leaving Shogi, Albedo and all of the Slane Theocracy men speechless.

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