Chapter V - Hail to the Kings

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After the victory against the Slane Theocracy invaders, Ainz, Solomon, Shogi and Albedo started walking away from the battlefield under the night sky filled with stars, Albedo having removed her helmet think to herself.

Albedo: (Lord Solomon was so cool, it's a shame lord Ainz didn't participate in the fight, I bet it would have been amazing!)

Shogi, much like Albedo think about their masters, more specifically her creator with a smile on her face.

Shogi: (Im so glad master got to fight, he looked happy while slaughtering those humans!)

Meanwhile Solomon and Ainz were telephatically talking to one another so that Shogi and Albedo couldn't hear. 

Ainz: -I wonder if our actions were acceptable as the Lords of Nazarick.-

Solomon: -Of course they were, besides have you seen how they view us? Im pretty sure that whatever we do they will just twist it around to make us look wise and powerful even if what we do is trip on a rock and fall down.-

Ainz: -Yeah you might be right, still we should be careful, we can't let that image break, if they were to lose their respect towards us and turn on us... they are our friend's children, we have to take care of them.-

Solomon: -I would tell you not to worry too much about it but that is so like you Momonga, the cautious leader of Nazarick who carefully plans ahead to assure our guild's victory, that is why I wouldn't make a good leader, im too laid back for all of that.-

Ainz: -Thanks... even though I feel like you were making fun of me being cautious...-

Solomon: -Me? I would neverrr.-

While they have this inner conversation, Shogi runs up ahead and hugs her master with a gleeful expression on her face, catching her creator off guard and giving Albedo the idea to do the same to her beloved lord Ainz.

Solomon: "Shogi at least say something before doing that, you know I dislike surprises."

Ainz: "Same to you Albedo."

Albedo: "Sorry lord Ainz. ;("

Shogi: "But master always sees into the future so I thought master would know my actions and stop me if he didn't like it."

Solomon: (My foresight isn't a passive, if it was I would constantly have a headache from the constant future being nailed into my brain.) "Oh yes Shogi, I was just lost in thought is all."

Albedo: "Oh by the way lord Ainz, why did you did you save that human? You even gave him such an important item."

Ainz: (It was a useless item from the 500 yen gacha machine, though.) 

Albedo: "I could have gone in place of both lords. There was no need to personally save a lower life form."

Solomon: "Yeah Ainz, why did you save that human?" Smirks

Ainz: (Seriously, why would you put me on the spot like that!) "I'll explain that later Solomon. Albedo, I know your strenght and trust you. However, until we know more of this world, we must always move forward believing the enemy is stronger than us."

Albedo: "So that's why you used that man as a pawn. I believe your use of humans is impeccable. However, wasn't lord Solomon taking that angel's blade a bad move?"

Ainz: "Hmm you think so? Solomon is half angel so he has high resistance to holy attacks."

Solomon: "That's right, that thing didn't even cause me pain."

Albedo: gasp "Ah! Forgive me my lord for my ignorance, I did not know you were part angel!"

Solomon: "Meh it's quite alright, I don't expect the residents of Nazarick to know much about me except for the Supreme Beings and Shogi. You are forgiven."

Albedo: "Thank you lord!" bows

Ainz: "Well then, let's go home everyone."

Albedo: "Yes, lord Ainz."

Shogi: "Aye aye lord Ainz!"

Solomon: "Gate."

As the portal opens the 4 of them enter, heading back to their home, the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

---Great Tomb of Nazarick, Throne Room---

After reaching Nazarick Ainz called the Guardians to the throne room along with some other denizens of Nazarick like Auras's pets for an important announcement. 

Ainz: (Alright, this is it, here I go!)


After arriving back in Nazarick as they were heading to the throne room Ainz spoke to Solomon about his plan.

Ainz: "Hey Solomon, I plan to change my name fully to Ainz OOal Gown, I want to spread the name of our precisou guild far and wide in this new world, maybe if some of our friends are here they will come look for us. Do you have any problems with that?"

Solomon: "That's hopeful of you that our friends are also here but there is a chance. I have no problems, beside it's a much cooler name than Momonga." Smug face

Ainz: "How mean... Thank you friend."

Solomon: "No problem, better announce it to the denizens of Nazarick."

Ainz: "Right."

--Back to Present--

Ainz: "First, we apologize for moving on our own."

Solomon: (What is this WE shit?!)

Ainz: "Albedo will tell you all that has happened. However, there is one thing I must say immediately. Greater Break Item!"

As Ainz casts the spell, the flags with the symbol of the guild throughout the Throne Room burn away.

Ainz: "From now on, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown. You shall call me Ainz!"

Solomon who was sitting next to Ainz in a makeshift throne that Demiurge insisted on making for him, sits up.

Solomon: "This is a matter that has my approval! If you have any objections, stand and voice them now!"

Albedo: "We have heard your precious name. We devote our absolute loyalty to our venerable leaders. Hail lord Ainz Ooal Gown!"

Everyone: "Hail lord Ainz Ooal Gown!"

Shalltear: "We shall give ourselves completely to the supreme ones!"

Aura and Mare: "To the most powerful kings!"

Demiurge: "Everyone in this world will know of your greatness."

Cocytus: "The ones who rule over all, our Kings."

Albedo: "Glory to the Gods, the ruler of Death and the ruler of Time!"

Solomon: "This is an absolute order!-"

Ainz: "-Make Ainz Ooal Gown and Solomon Ars Goetia eternal legends!"

Everyone cheers in the background, hailing their maters as Ainz and Solomon both think to themselves.

Ainz: (The land, sky and sea. We will spread our names to all intelligent creatures. So that they may reach friends that may have come to this world.)

Solomon: (Everyone in this world will know our names, they will fear us, revere us, pray to us. After all, this will be complete global domination, they have no choice.)

---1041 Words---

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