Chapter VII - Honor In Surrender

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---Carne Village, Midnight---

Enri can be seen finishing up her work in the barn so she can go to bed but as she puts down her tools after a long day of work she hears a sound behind her, looking back she sees a portal open as one of the town's saviours comes out of it, Solomon.

Enri: (Mr. Solomon! He was the one that healed me before. I wonder what he is doing here at this time.)

Enri decides to approach Solomon to greet him.

Solomon: "What a great time for a walk, things are quite peaceful at night with a beautiful moon shining through the dark. Now where should I head to? Maybe I shoul-"

Enri: "Greetings lord Solomon!" bows "Its been a while, how are you doing?"

Solomon: (How dare she interrupt me in the middle of my monologue to myself!) "Oh it's you, I'm fine thanks for asking. I'm surprised you're still awake at this time, shouldn't you be in bed by now?"

Enri: "Yeah, I just finished the work at the barn and was about to head to bed until I saw you come through the portal so I came to greet you."

Solomon: "How very dilligent and polite of you." (Hmmm actually I may have some ideas for her. Maybe I should use one of those seed I won at the gacha back in the game.) "Well don't let me keep you from your well deserved rest, you have a pleasant night."

Enri: "Thank you lord Solomon but before I go, do you need anything?"

Solomon: "No, I simply came for a walk, thought this would be a great starting point for my nightly walk."

Enri: "Ah I see! Well then I guess I'll get going to bed then, I'd say be careful but I'm sure someone as strong as you doesn't have anything to worry about out there. I'll get going now so have a pleasnt and relaxing walk!" bows

Solomon: "Indeed, have a good night."

As soon as Enri turns around and starts walking towards her house, Solomon takes out a pouch containing seeds and takes one seed out before infusing it with some magic and flicking it at the back of Enri's neck causing her to flinch before feeling a sudden pain and passing out.

Solomon: "Now the Seed of the Corrupt Dragon should work it's magic during the night. Can't wait to see the results later. Welp time for my walk."

Solomon uses his gravity magic to float Enri's body to her house and then proceeds onward to his nightly walk. Following the road he notices a forest off to the side and decides to go explore it. As he traverses the forest a dark silhouette obsrerves him, eyes glowing in the dark.

???: (A human in my forest! How brave and foolish!)

Solomon: "What a nice dark, creepy and criminally perfect forest, this must be where the bandits hide or where nasty creatures reside in, can't wait to find out what lies in here."

As Solomon finishes talking to himself like a weirdo, something jumps out and lands in front of him, as he is lit up by the moonlight Solomon notices one thing very familiar to him... this creature standing in front of him was indeed.... a hamster from his world... but bigger... and with a weird tail.

Solomon: "Hahaha! An oversized hamster! Man this brings back some good memories!"

???: "Hamster!? Could it be you know of my species??"

Solomon: "Sort of, non-magical versions at least, none that can talk or be as big as you, so you are you who stands before Solomon, the King of Mages?"

???: "Right I had forgotten my introduction! I am the Wise King of the Forest! Leave my forest or my wrath suffer you shall!"

Solomon: "I see, tell me Wise Hamster of the Forest, what Wisdom dost thou have to bestow me?"

WKotF: "What?"

Solomon: "Nevermind... say how about we make a little deal?"

WKotF: "Already afraid of my tremendous power! What deal do you propose human?"

Solomon: "A simple deal, how about we just stand here and take turns hitting eachother, the first one to either surrender or die loses, no dodging, blocking or running, how about it?"

WKotF: "Arrogant you are! I accept thy challenge!"

Solomon: "Great! Now I'll let you go first, otherwise this won't be fun."

WKotF: "Have at thee!"

The hamster whips his tale incredibly fast at Solomon but upon contact Solomon is not affected in the least by the attack leaving the Wise King of the Forest surprised.

WKotF: "I see you're very strong! I shall not hold back next attack!"

Solomon: "If you even get to make another attack. Graviton Fist"

Solomon covers his fist in a blue orb of high condensed gravitational energy and gets ready to throw the punch, the hamster suddenly feels cold, it doesn't take him long to realize that those are his survival instincts kicking in and that if he is hit by that he is as good as dead, fear of death hits hard.

WKotF: (If that hits me I'm dead! I have to run... no if I run or dodge I'd be breaking the rules and therefore lose my honor! Surrender I shall! Surrendering will let me live while not breaking the rules!"

Solomon: "Let's see how you deal with this."

Solomon throws the punch but midway, all of a sudden, the hamster is lying on the ground, completely prostrating himself to Solomon, clearly surrendering.

WKotF: "I surrender!!"

Solomon: "Huh, well this is interesting, I imagined you running away in fear or dodging, not surrendering, seems even an animal can have honor. The victory is mine then."

WKotF: "Indeed it is great one! I surrender myself and this forest to thee!"

Solomon: (Hmm I wonder... maybe I should bring this hamster back to Nazarick, it will be a good pet to have and I can brag to Momonga.) "Alright, as the victor my reward will be you, as of now you are my pet and I am your master, Solomon."

WKotF: "Yes master Solomon! Serve you with all my might I shall!"

Solomon: "Good, now what should I name you... I got it, from now on your name shall be Hamsuke!"

Hamsuke: "Thank you master, I shall carry that name with pride!"

Solomon: "Good, now come Hamsuke, I shall take you to your new home!" (Looks like this nightly walk is a success, I was able to relax corrupt a person and tame a rare magical hamster, can't wait to brag to Momonga about this.)

Solomon opens a portal back to Nazarick as he steps through with Hamsuke.

---1070 Words---

Note: Sorry for not updating in a while, been either busy or just relaxing doing other things, hope you enjoy this chapter despite it not having progress towards the main plot, just a side thing I suddenly came up for Enri and Solomon snatching Hamsuke from Ainz like a gangsta. Call it a filler chapter. Thanks for reading!

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