Ice cream dreams

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After this afternoon's event, the only thing motivating me to go home was Mum's promise to go to the ice parlour down the street. Nico helped me carry the groceries inside the house. He organised the food on the counter while I flopped over onto the sofa after I stumbled out of my boots. "Nerissa, come to my bedroom later on." I didn't respond. Instead, I rubbed my eyes and lolled my head onto a heart-shaped pillow. Fatigue brought me into a deep sleep.

"Nerissa!" A voice bellowed. I lifted my head, letting out loud groans of frustration due to my nap being disrupted. "Wake up, you moron!" I opened my eyes after having my face bashed into a pillow.

"What?" I questioned as I sank my head back into the pillow.

"Mum said... plan my... party... you." I didn't listen to most of what he was saying because I just wanted to sleep. Although I would have been angry if I was paying attention. "Nerissa!" He screeched.

"Shut up, drama queen." I whacked him with the pillow. "And for your information, it's our party. We're unfortunately twins, remember?" I turned to the other and closed my eyes trying to go back to sleep. I can't believe I had to share a birthday with that jerk. How on earth are we twins? We don't even look like each other. While he inherited Mum's brown hair and Dad's brown eyes, I inherited Dad's ash blonde hair with Mum's blue eyes that had somehow turned a greyish-silvery colour. We ended up going to the hospital because of it. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong and if anything it was special. Of course, they didn't believe the doctor. At one point, they were taking me to every doctor they could find. They gave up after weeks of getting the same response. During the whole time, jerk-face just made fun of me and started calling me a 'freak'.

"Yeah, whatever. Just tell Mum you agreed to everything I wanted." Oh my God! Seriously? No. This spoiled princess can't have his way all the time, this is the last straw.

"Look princess, you can take your silver spoon and shove it up your ass." He looked surprised because I answered him back even though I always do. If anything, I'm the only one who can answer him back.

"Right! That's it. I was going to be nice and share our party but because you can't behave, baby sis, you don't deserve anything." I cringed at 'Baby sis'. I hated being this idiot's twin.

"Three things dumbass. One, you don't get a say in who the party is for. Two is that even if you were to not share our party, I could always pay for my own because I have money, unlike some people and Three, don't call me 'baby sis' because I don't consider you as a brother. If anything I'd be better off with you dead." His face turned redder than the ripest strawberry I had ever seen in my entire life. I lay back and closed my eyes even though I knew he was going to find Mum or Dad to go and snitch on me.

"Mum!" He shouted. Mum's footsteps were to be heard as she hurried down the stairs as fast as she could. She seemed particularly frustrated to be disturbed by my brother.

"Yes, Noah." She said sincerely.

"Mum, me and Nerissa have decided that we're not going to have a birthday party together." She fixed her eyes on me.

"Ok," she replied. I was about to choke on my saliva. I loved Mum because she always had my back. She knew how annoying Noah could be unlike Dad who was oblivious to the fact Noah was an attention seeker and therefore favoured him over us.

"Seriously, mum! Is that all you have to say?" He exclaimed. Seconds later, Dad came down the stairs. Just what I needed.

"What is it, Noah?" Dad asked. He seemed to be happier than Mum.

"Nerissa and I have decided to have separate birthday parties for each of us." He said.

"Why?" Dad queried. If anything Dad didn't want us to have separate birthday parties for it meant he had to spend two times more.

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