Biggest mistake

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Garner falls was never meant to be a place for a mermaid. Yeah, they had massive ice cream parlours and lots of beaches but still it was a big no.

It was hard to believe dad got job after a whole year of not working. I was glad when I found out but so was the rest of the family. I missed Hawaii, of course but didn't say anything about it because I didn't want dad to feel bad. It seemed like the rest of the family was able to forget about Hawaii in seconds but how could forget the first place I called home?

After my first outing yesterday I figured out why all mermaids kept away from garner falls. Nico and I were on our way to the grocery store to pick up a few things. As we entered we were meet with infinite aisles of food. My nose breathed in the strong smell of food from the aisles. Everything was freshly stocked. I fell out of my trance, when a mischievous Nico purposefully nudged me with the shopping cart.

"Hurry up! At the rate you're taking mum and dad are going to think we were kidnapped." I rolled my eyes at him and followed from behind. Nico was a few centimetres in front while I walked behind him. Nobody else liked shopping with Nico as he has this thing where he gets super excited and ran around the store. Only I was able to keep up with him which was why we were paired up for grocery shopping. Out of the twelve children my parents had we were the most disliked and created the most disruption which was why we were probably closer to one another. Just think of us as the family rebels. Another problem was my frequent zoning out. I looked up from the floor realising that Nico was gone. Speak of the devil.

"Nico!" I screamed. I paced around the grocery store looking for Nico. I even asked people who then told me they hadn't seen him. My eyes burned threatening to burst into tears. Stay strong, I told myself. I had tried everything so I dialled mum and dad from my phone to inform them of the events but they didn't respond. I had lost all hope. I had literally looked everywhere. It was all my fault. Only if I hadn't zoned out. It was going to be fine as mum would sort it all out and then we'd even go for ice cream as mum promised, I tried to tell myself. I look down at the phone to see she that didn't answer. Oh, crap! Now I had every reason to be worried.

My attention was drawn to the shouts coming from a trio of boys. All three of them had a tall, lean muscular body figure. The two on either side of the one in the middle laughed maliciously while the one in the middle with a white streak of hair which was brown glared at a boy. He was the tallest one of the three. They smell like dog. Which means they were werewolves. The werewolves barely gave mermaids trouble because as far as they were concerned, we were just a myth. Trouble was only created if we were mistaken for a human. I looked closer at the boy realising that it was Nico.

"What's that then?" The man in the middle pointed to a ten pound note in his pocket. I watched intently before I walked towards them. The boiling anger rises with every step I took forward. I don't show my anger instead it is concealed by a calm face.

"Nico, is everything alright?" I asked in a sweet tone. The boys gave me a judgemental look which I ignore.

"Go away! It's none of your business." The guy in the middle said. He grimaced at me awkwardly revealing his large canines. I just wanted to punch them.
"Ok, Nico. Let's go." I held my hand out but one of the boys grabbed my wrists and pulled me back. "What? You said we could go."

"You think you're so smart, don't you?" I stifled my laughter. Seriously?

"Well na, idiot." I say sardonically. "You obviously lack experience in bullying or you wouldn't be using movies lines."

"I'm sorry. What did you just say to me?" He grit his teeth.

"I'm sure, that you just hear what I said but let me spell it out for you, just in case. Leave. My. Brother. Alone." I couldn't believe it. The dude is spoiled brat who doesn't even know my brother. Yet, he had some nerve to ask for the change mum gave us.

"Oh, so you're the older sister." The man on the right smirked. "Perhaps, princess you ask your brother to give us the money and we might leave you alone." I stood for a moment before answered. Why did he have to be so complicated?

"How can I guarantee that you not lying?"I knew by the look on his face that he wasn't going to leave us alone.

"We will, princess. Just give us the money." He stroked my hair with his big hands. Without another thought, I punched him in the face with my hand. He stood there in enigma as blood poured out of his nostrils.

"If you lay a hand on my brother or my hair, again. I will end you." I took the hand of my brother and lead us to the check out. Why did white-streak even touch me like that?

"What on earth, were you thinking, running off like that?" I questioned. Nico looked at the floor. He had nothing to say. "Look, what happened today stays between us. Okay." I said. He nodded in agreement. "Hey, cheer up. I'll buy you a chocolate bar." I smiled hoping it would make feel better.

"But we only have just enough money to buy the thing on mums list."he retorted.

"Ma'am." I then cashier called. She indicated that she need us to pay. Nico gave the woman the money. He picked up a mars bar.
"This too." I said while giving the extra cash. Nico helped carry the bags back to the car.

I drove us back home in silence realising the huge mistake we made moving here.

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