bad baby

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Mos and others met at blue pub.

Mos : guys guys i have something to tell.

Everyone payed attention.
" Today i am so happy that i broke up with my girlfriend . i want to get drunk after that help me ..

Everyone not surprised because this is not his first time. They nodded.
Meen and ping are in their own world. Mos caught them and said " you love birds today is my break up day so be with me you both can stick to eachother later "

Meen just smiled and said" ok phi but don't get into relationship frequently it's really not good to get drunk like this for every 2 months.."
Everyone laughed and mos frowned..

" I won't until i get my love of my life,is it true my baby bank ?" Mos asked while turning to bank ..
Bank chocked ." Ah why are you asking me idiot." Bank said

" Phi leave him alone.. don't flirt with him." Noeul said..
" I am not flirting with him. I am asking him nong .. YOU ARE BAD BABY BANKY ..." mos gave clarity to them... and to bank and pouted little they found that he is drunk Little..

After that everyone got drunk . Mos felt happy after got drunk boss and fort help him to reach home.. meen took ping and Noeul. Sky didn't get drunk . So he helped bank ..

But when mos and other two are on their way back home.suddenly a van stopped infront of them the one driving boss satrled . Mos is completely wasted..

Fort and boss understood the situation.. they both get down from the car.
"Do you guys don't have any mind .. ? Boss asked ..

The other gang got down that surprised boss and fort.
That is white snake clan ..
This clan is one of the gangs who are doing almost every crime in thai..

Boss and fort don't understood why they are here for them.. .. their clan's young master is mai is also there
He said that" i just only need that bastard mos you both leave him to me and leave "
Both boys laughed and said" do you think that is easy to mess with the top gangs like us and try to take our phi you rats .." fort challenged them.
Mai is fuming flames..
He ordered his boys to get mos . Mos who is sleeping didn't get sober yet. Fort and boss fighting with them ..
Mai is losing patience soo he took his dagger and walking towards boss . Fort saw that and shouted his name but it's too late but suddenly


Mai feel down . Boss saw that side and that's mos ..

Mos hits Mai harder until he can't move ..then he said " do you think you can do anything?. And yeah i let my boys kill your brother.. if you want to take revenge for him just come to me directly don't let my family get involved. Just tell your dad you are a waste piece..
Now LEAVE " mos is shaking little . Boss hold him tighter..

Mai and his boys left fort got a small scratch on his arm. " Phi let's go back " fort said mos nodded..

They all reached safely .. mos slept in his room .. boss helping fort to apply medicine ..
Mile and apo fuming flames .
" Uncle don't worry they both are fine.. and we don't know that phi killed that neon .. mai throwing tantrums that's it.. " boss tried to confront them but it's no use. Then meen came home he felt suspicious that something happened .

Meen came and sat beside apo . "Papa tell me what happened. ?"
" Did you send Noeul and ping back home .?" Boss asked

" Yeah so now tell me?" Meen asked again..

Fort said everything.. meen stood up. Mile stopped him" where are you going?"
" I will kill that bastard .papa dad don't stop me. I will now . Don't stop me .. "

" No need let me take care of this it's already a mess. Now go in to sleep. Fort take care boss stay here for tonight ... " Mile said then mileapo went to their room .
Boss and other two brothers also went to sleep..

In the middle of the night. Mos woke up and sat on the bed he remembered that fight . Slowly he went back to balcony and sat on sofa there and saw a photo " you are the one who make me like this baby . I want to be with you but you don't see me... And about neon i have to kill him because he tried to touch you .. he have to die he deserve that don't worry baby i will let you fall for me.. for the world i hate you . For you i am not a person because what happened in the past ...but for me you are everything. "
Mos felt happy by just seeing that photo .. he completely sober so he know what he is saying . He will do anything for the person he love..

( If you guys are curious who is that person is then this is for you all)

( If you guys are curious who is that person is then this is for you all)

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