don't mess with him

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Next day mos , fort , boss , meen are getting ready to go to university..

They all sat in dinning hall.. when they are having breakfast mile asked " mos why you let our men to kill him.. ?"
Mos stopped eating and said "dad i am being cautious. He smuggled drugs to outside our country. It's not good to leave him like this. Our men died because of him.
I am aveging for them that's it . "
Mos again started eating . Mile sighed. Apo patted his hand.
" Mos don't again . Let's go slowly ok . " Apo said

" Papa it's already a mess so let it be like this. "

" Ok ok now eat and off to clg . " Apo said and saw meen he is not eating and chatting with someone ..
" Oye oye meen just eat your food baby .. then later you can talk with ping.."

Meen suddenly kept his phone aside and said " no papa i am not i am talking with Noeul that's it "

Apo and others nodded their heads like they believed him and boss started " then who is talking with me meen .. ? Is  this noeul's soul "
Everyone laughed hardly ..
Meen just gave them a simile " boss ping is missing me let's hurry up i want to meet my baby.. "

Everyone laughed again and completed their breakfast . These four youngsters went to uni.

When they reached they met others along with sea and Mark ..

Everyone are  looking  at these four  like they are gods ..

Meen didn't payed attention..

Mos is looking at his phone.

Boss is talking with his friends.

Fort smiled at them.. but they heard a BANG

they turned that side..
It's mai . Unfortunately Mai is boss's classmet . Mai said" banky why don't you join us today for fun. . "
Bank didn't said anything .mos is fuming flames

Fort said" ohh then banky won't because he won't gang around with animals.."
Mai's others friends and Mai got anger like they are gonna hurt  them at any moment..

Mark, sea ,noeul , laughed lightly..
Mos still didn't calm down..

He stood up and said " don't mess with him. You idiots .. maybe you will die after your brother.. "

Mai tried to his him.. but his friends dragged him..

Mos sat again .. he is drinking his coffee..

Peat  found something is
weird with their phi mos .. He said this to meen, ping, Noeul, fort and boss
Mark and sea before  only .. But they don't wants to mess  with mos..

But ping and peat  are curious so they asked banky " bank why he is furious when Mai flirting with you.?"

Bank don't know either" why you guys always ask me. ? How would I know that why this morone is behaving is like this "
Bank sighed ..
Mos smiled and said " baby why can't say that your husband is protecting his wife.. "
Bank can be stood  up and said" who is your wife ? It's cheesy yaak.. i am leaving meen , ping let's go .. and don't call me baby.."

Those three left cafe.. boss said that" phi why are you flirting with him.?"

" It's just for fun .i will bite and make him cry like a baby .. ok i am leaving.. bye let's meet in lunch"

He said goodbye them and went back.
Boss saw someone is watching at Noeul . He can't stand that but he know that noeul hate these type of nonsense . So he is happy somewhat .

Noeul asked boss that" boss help me i want to complete this assignment please na na na"

" You are just stupid. Don't you want to do your work." Boss said..

" Please please pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeee 🥺🥺"

" Ahh okokkk them let me help you this time and don't ask me again.."

" Okkkk"

Fort left that place because he have to attend class.....
These three don't have classes in morning.

Fort is walking in corridor. He just got into some one that is Milly .. he know that
She likes him but he didn't want to pay attention to her .

"Sorry fort i didn't mean it "

" It's ok let me go. "
He have been in many relationships but he didn't felt complete his heart..
He is waiting for that special person..

He sat in class but he didn't pay attention completely to class . He is thinking that Mai will do something to his brother .. he thought be more cautious for just in case . Because he knows that Mai won't leave mos easily. Even though mos is fighter.

But on the other hand mai's dad attacked red dragon's war base...

It's really a big mess this time...mile is fuming flames..
Bible and build tried to control mile and apo..

Bible said" mile apo don't take this so seriously . Let's take it slowly kids are still young .."
Mile nodded ..apo didn't said anything..
Bible sighed..he thought" someone is dead this time either ours or theirs .. i think i have to inform mos.. first .. " and Bible texted him." Our war base is attacked"

Mos is with his other friends when he heard his notification sound he opened" Our war base is attacked"

Mos hurriedly stood up boss take care of others . " "Meen come with me. Fort just go to mai's dad and say something i tell you ..
Mos and meen left . Boss take Noeul , ping ,peat  and Bank to home .after that join us for meeting ..." Mos said and left that place .
Fort went to meet mai's dad.
Mos is fuming flames.mile is trying to control his two sons . He know that they won't listen to him.
" Where is fort ?" Apo asked..
fort can meet his love or he have to stay alone..
Mos is flirt like his dad hahahag

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