old creature.

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Mos and bank reunited with the family ...

The news about organization is spreading all over Asia...

In the night after dinner..

Mile and apo went to sleep..

Mile kissed apo in his forehead..

Apo hugged him they both were sleeping soundly ...

Then a door knock made Mike wake up

Mile got down and opened the door..

Mos , meen are standing in front of him..

" What are you guys doing here?" Mile asked

They two looked at each other..

Apo also wakes up because of the sounds...

But he sat on the bed....

" Oye tell me what are you doing here?" Mile asked again

" Dad can i sleep in your room for today ...?" Mos and meen  said at a time ...

All shocked and looked at each other...

Mile shooked ...

" You guys are crazy.. how can 4 of us sleep together.. ? That too you all are giants ..."

" Dad please let us .. we can adjust for this night ..." Meen said...

" Let them mile ...." Apo said from inside..

Meen ran inside and settled beside apo

Apo hugged him...

Mile shooked again

" These both are disturbing us ..."

Mos hugged him tightly

" Oyee... You idiot leave me .."

Mos kissed hardly on his cheek

" Thanks mile .."

" WHAT?"

"  Thanks dad..."

Mos settled beside meen ...

He want to hug his papa but meen is in between them....
Mile sighed and lied beside mos...

Apo is curious about them.

" Why you guys are here when you both have husbands ...?" Apo asked

" I just want to be with you both .." again both of them said at a time...

" You guys didn't came together right? Did you ...?" Mile asked.

" We both met each other infront of your room..." Mos said

" Ok ok don't push me all three of you ... " Mile said while trying not to fall....

" Where is fort ?"
Apo asked

" Maybe he is with peat .." mos said..

After few minutes of chatting they all slept together...

(Little interaction between them..)

On the other hand....

Bank is in brightwin's room and ping is in mewgulf room....

In taynew's room..

Tay removed his shirt when he got on the bed...

New looking at him confusingly...

" What the hell are you doing...?"

Tay smiled at topped him...

" What get down ...?"
New is literally shouting ...

Tay smirked and said

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