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When meen was 10 years old ..

He was playing with his brothers in living room..

Then mew gulf came with their second son ping ..

Meen was looking at ping .. fir meen he looked so cute..

Meen smiled at ping when ping saw him..

Ping got tensed and stood behind mew..

Mew held him

Meen smiled and shooked..

"Come sit mew, gulf  .. " apo said

They were talking about their business matters...

Mos , fort also joined them..

Meen sighed and went into garden..

He sat on the swing..

Then a cute little boy came to him...

Meen looked at him

"Hi .. "meen greeted him

Ping smiled at him

"So what were you doing here?"

"My parents brought me here . I don't know what to do.. so i came outside.. "

Meen smiled

"You have a cute voice.. "

"Thank you.. "

"Do you want me to take you to my room?"


Meen took him to his room..

Ping sat on the bed..

"You wait here . I will be back" meen said and left

When he came back

He gave lollipop to ping ..

Ping smiled brightly..

"From today onwards your name is lollipop.. " meen said

Ping smiled again

Then meen doesn't know that day he found his sole mate..

From then onwards meen called him lollipop..

Ping also loved that Nick name.

Ping is almost same age as meen . That's why he don't call him phi .

When meen was in high school he realised that he love ping .. but he didn't have courage to say to ping ..

Ping also have same feeling as meen.  

One day

Meen was looking for ping .

In the middle way he met peat .

"Oh peat .. "

"What are you doing here?"

"I am searching for ping .. "

"Ohh he was with mos. Go "

"Ok phi . "

"But why ?"

" I want surprise him for his Birthday.. "

"Ok go.. "

Meen went to ping ...

Ping was talking with mos..

"Lollipop.."meen called him

Ping looked at him..

"Come with me...  Phi let's go home.. "

They left to home..

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