try me

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Mos is so happy that win accepted to court his son.

When fort , mos , meen went back to their home . They found something is not right .

Mos sat beside apo and asked " papa what happened. ?"

Apo looked at mos, fort , meen..

" I don't need anything. And i won't say anything. But do one thing for me my son. " Mile said while looking at mos ..

" Your order is my command dad . Tell me what you want me to do ?"mos said

" I need that you have to make that Leo to suffer in this life . "
Mile said.

" Who is Leo ?" Fort asked.

" Leo is one of our organization's member.
He is more loyal than others . But lately he collaborated with Don and his son Mai..they are doing illegal buisness. I don't know that is this news is rumour or not .." mos said ..

Fort said that " are you saying about uncle Leo . "

" Yes he is saying about him" apo said ..

" I heard he is great.but what happened dad ?" Fort asked.

" Yeah but I got information that he is the who showed route to our secret basement to don ." Mile said ..

" Then he don't have any right to live dad . I will make him regret for life .. i promise you . " Mos said .

" You have to come to the organization meeting on Sunday. Just get prepared...." Apo said .

" Fort and meen i don't want you both to get involved in the mess that we three are . Just enjoy and take care of the company and live happily.we don't want you to die miserably.maybe we are going to die one day . I tried to pursue your phi but i failed. Atleast you both listen to me. "Apo said sadly.. Mile hold his hand tightly..

" Dad papa we are not going to get  hurt because of being with you . I hope we all will be together and destroy our enemies.we are going to live happily dad pa " meen said .

" That's what we don't want meen. You have to protect ping. You think it is easy ." Mos said ..

" Phi ping and his family are also members of our family. If they want to hurt us. They will definitely going to choose that way. " Meen said

" No more discussions. You guys just study for now. We will talk about this later.. " mile said and went back to his room.

Fort patted his nong's shoulder..

Next day in university..
When mos, peat, banky came to the cafe. There are group of people gathered. Mos and others went to check..

" How dare you haaa .it will be your death today.. " ping is shouting.

" Ping just leave him you are goin " meen tried to countinue but ping glared at him.

" You dare to challenge him. That you are going make me fall for you. Do you think that i am a bitch . ? " Ping shouted everyone got shocked..

" PING PING STOP " meen is shouting.

" You dare. Try me idiot. If anyone don't know that i am already taken then i will show you " ping said and turned to meen.. meen don't understood what he is going to do..

Everyone are curious..

Ping hold meen and kissed him infront of whole cafeteria.

Meen got shocked. He don't know what to do.

Some are taking pictures. Some are enjoying..

The gang that came to flirt with ping are fuming flames..

Meen is enjoying a little.

Ping back off and said " i am saying that if i see you again. I will kill you all and feed you meat to rats.. get lost .. "

They left ..
Ping turned to meen .. when he looked at him . He saw that his meen was lost..

" Meen meen .. honey.. meen .. " ping is calling meen.

Meen came to his senses and looked at him

" Where you lost meen. ?"

Meen came closer and said .." i love the way you choose to be claim yourself is so cute. I enjoyed.. "

Ping face turned into red like Tomato 🍅.he gave him a small slap on meen's chest..

They both laughed..
Then they saw their gang is looking at them like they are done with their show off ..

When they all sat .. boss asked " why you both are so clingy to ?"

" Maybe we both love eachother" meen said

"Baby . Wife let's hold hands. Let them know that we both are more suitable couple than them.. " mos said and tried to hold banky hand ..

Banky backed off and said " who is your wife ? Ha you just took permission from my papa. Not from me .. i don't want to leave me alone "

"Ouu you gave permission on your papa birthday. Did you forget?" Mos exclaimed.

Bank stamp mos foot under the table .. mos hissed in pain..

" Phi are you fine. " Noeul asked ..

" I am completely good. " Mos said and have him a smile..

" Oh by the way who are they meen? . " Boss asked

" Ohh they are our seniors.. when i went to grab some food.. they came to flirt with ping after that you guys know.. he is fierce..
But he is my baby.. 🥰🥰🥰" meen said and started to pinch ping's cheek ..

Everyone sighed because of their drama again .

" Oye stop you drama .. it's soo clingy " noeul said and sighed again..

" Don't you have classes go back to your classes. I will go and wait for you all in our farm house. Today is a small get together. Everyone are coming.. " mos said

" Get together. Why ? "
Peat asked..

" Just like that .. it's just a small get together. It's been a while.. " mos said

Everyone nodded..

Peat is going back to home.. after classes. Fort also joined..

" Phi wait i will come with you " fort said ..

" Yup waiting" peat said while playing with his car key. He dropped. Fort and peat bend to take .. fort took key with his hand . When they both trying to sget up . They accidentally bumped into eachother. Their both lips touched ..

Fort and peat shocked. But they both didn't back off. .
Far away Noeul and Bank are watching at these two shockingly .

Noeul looked at bank .
" I think we are not going to be a normal gang . It's becoming couples gang . " Noeul said.

" What about you? Are you going to be with mil. Because everyone are shipping you both  . And why do you think they both are gonna be couple . It's just accident . "

" Yeah but they both didn't back off at all" Noeul pointed at fortpeat.

Fort and peat stood still without knowing 4 eyes are looking at them..

Fort heart is beating rapidly. He don't know why.. but he loved that confusion.

But on the other side there is going on something which is known by anyone

For me the intention of mileapo for their children is next level . What do you guys think .?

Maybe someone is going to fall in love harder . Any guesses ...

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