mood swings

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Everyone are happy because of the events that are happening in the mansion...

One morning...

Bank is having conversation with peat and ping ..

Noeul is still sleeping .

Apo just came down..

"Hey boys what are you guys doing.. ?" Apo asked those three..

Bank stood and hugged him....
"Papa ...  I miss you .. "

Apo is confused...
He hugged him back .

"Yeah baby . I am here.. "

Bank sat down..

Apo also about to sit but someone came from back and hugged him.

That's mile ..
"Baby your waist is still driving me crazy .. "

Apo slapped him on his hands. .

Bank shouted
"MOS PANUWAT ROMSAITHONG.Just come down idiot.. "

Apo and others who stood in living room starled...

Others ran down .

Mos came running and stood in front of him...

Even children came down..
But one person who is not affected that is Mr. Noeul .. he is still sleeping soundly...

Mos looked at him confusingly .

"What happened baby ..  ?"

Bank sighed

"Look  at them . dada mile and apo papa are enjoying their love life. And you who is sleeping like a goat... Don't you love me idiot.... "

Bank said and pouted..

Mos looked at his parents

"That's not my mistake. We both do this daily..  "mile said...

Mos sighed and sat in front of bank on his knees..

Mos understood that bank is angry..

"Baby .."

Bank is raging. But he is still listening to him.

"Baby look i really love you. But yesterday I took sleeping pills.  That's why i can't wake up  . Ok I'm sorry. Tell me whatever you want. I will do.  Ok i am sorry... "

Bank looked at mos and hugged
"Did something happened.  Please don't take pills. I am sorry. I don't want to be left alone .  I missed your touch.. that's why i shouted at you .  I am sorry.  "Bank said and started crying...

Mos smiled and said
"Don't cry ok .. "

"Hmm.. i am hungry baby.  "

"What you want.  ?"

"Hmm sukiyaki.."

"In the morning.. "

"No prepare now i will eat in the middle of the night."

"Ok ok i will let chef prepare for you . "


"Huh.. i don't know how to cook..?"

"Learn and come back with my breakfast... "

Bank left after that. 

Mos looked at his parents
"Papa you didn't said about his mood swings... "

"There is nothing new . Bear with it ..  "

Mos sighed. 

Asher came to him

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