1-All i do is think

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Hey lovely readers!!!

Welcome and thank you for really opening foster parents.   Some of you might not even read this, i myself don't read them sometimes but It would be really nice to have you guys interact with the book, I would like to hear your opinions in the comment but please let them be good and respectful. This is my first book here on Wattpad (meaning I have other books written but not published)and it would really be nice to here from you guys what you think.

There wouldn't be any pictures or aesthetics of the characters so you guys could imagine your thoughts away ,i personally think it would be best for every reader to imagine what a character looks like so please feel free to do so.

There will be 3 POVs in the story but in some chapters there will be a bonus speaker. The first 2 chapters might be too short but as you read further it gets longer. ——-heyyyy see what i did there. Further/longer.

Comment what you think or I'll hunt you down..., jk feel free to do what you please.
It's going to be a long ride guys so stick around don't lose hope on the book or it could get really crazy just then.
My sincere apologies for any errors spotted.

Ok ok I'll shut up now you guys have an interesting time with foster parents.


Pg 1         Chapter one -All I do is think
At first I thought I was in a dream because things happened very quickly but then I wasn't. What could I do?
Wait ...why did I just go straight to the point let me explain what had happened before I go further with my absurd reaction to this horrible days of my life.
It was a Monday morning while I was in my room relaxing my phone rang with a notification and it was from my mom.
"Hey hon it's high time we tell her the truth "
What type of message is this I thought to my self before I asked my mom.
"Mom who and what are you talking about ?
"No honey i wasn't intending on sending that to you it was meant for your dad so can you forget about the text"? My mom replied back.

"Ok" I replied back but then that text was ringing in my head and I wanted to ask her who was it that they wanted to tell the truth but I said to my self that I'll wait until she and dad came back home so I could ask.
I couldn't focus on anything I was doing because my mind was unstable thinking about that weird text message.
In the evening when mom and dad came back the first thing I blurted out after greeting them was -"what truth do you guys want to tell that girl".
"Come on honey I told you to forget about that didn't I "?My mom said while she looked bothered.
"Can't you guys tell me ? Am I not your daughter "?
Then dad interrupted and was about saying "the girl we wanted to talk to was ......
But suddenly the door bell rang. I rushed over to it to see that it was my bestie.
"Amaya I just wanted to check if you were still alive because I texted over a hundred of messages and called but no reply that's why I thought of coming over ,is this a wrong timing "?Vivian asked.
"Oh no ...come on in "I said while I stutter,and Vivian head straight to my room let me meet you there okay.
She nodded yes and headed for the stairs.
I went back to my parents to tell them that we could finish the conversation later because Vivian is here , they agreed as if it was not a big deal.
I climbed the stairs straight to my room because I wanted to tell Vivian everything as she's my best friend. I came in and was about talking but she interrupted me.
"AhAha no way Amaya go check your phone because I called and text but to no avail I deserve an explanation and I need it now". Vivian said in an almost angry tone.
"That's what I want to say ,Vivian I could not see your text neither your call because there is something up in my house and I feel that it's not  right but my mom told me to forget about it but I can't.
"Girl that conversation belongs to your dad and mom just cool your feet out of it".
"I can't do that don't you get it ".
"Ugh Amaya you are such a vibe kill I came here to inform you about the field trip coming up but I don't even have the chance to talk.
"I am not going "I said plainly but I remembered I had another crazy best friend who will obviously persuade me to go but I will flat out reject him. "
"Amaya "Vivian called out ,you know Blake is going and he will definitely persuade you to come along. "
"Duh Viv I thought about him before I made up my mind and gave you my answer so don't worry am not going."
"You know Blake right "Vivian asked in a low tone.
"Yess why "I answered
"Well he's still the Blake we knew no changes at all so just come. "
"No Vivian you know am not the type to go for all these things don't force me I beg of you. "
"Ok then am leaving now just came to check on you "Vivian said while she got up from my bed. "Vivian don't go "I begged her
"I have to it's getting late and remember to keep your feet out of your parents discussion okay "she said in a tone of command.
"Ok ok you don't have to act like my second mom "I sarcastically said.
We went down stairs and I told my parents that I will like to walk Vivian out.
"Come on Amaya there's no need "Vivian said as she winked at me then left.
When she was gone I headed back to my room ,closed the door and laid down on my bed just staring at the celling and slowly forgetting my worries I fell asleep.

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