5-"He's a music addict"

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Sooooo guys i am so sorry for the late update. You know it's school work. You know what Just enjoy
Question: Have you ever shared your room
My Ans: yep😊
Chapter 5: "He's a music addict"
Early in the morning I woke up to find out that Blake and Vivian were not around and then I realized that shit today is Saturday and OMG Kyle was still here and he didn't go.

I rushed to the bathroom to take my shower and leave this room because I don't want to have any encounters with Kyle or anything.
Today I wasn't going to have my regular me bath, it's just going to be fast so I could leave this room. I was intending on going to the library immediately I came out of the bathroom.
But unluckily for me As I was done and coming out drying my hair with a towel I came out to find Kyle awake and he sat down as if he was about to beat me up.
I didn't greet nor say hi to him and just held my bag to leave but then he held my bag and mouthed the words "Amaya can I talk to you for a moment".
I didn't reply and just removed his grips from my bag while heading to the dorm door.

Kyle rushed to the door and closed it while he put the key in his pocket. "Now you will have to listen to whatever I've got to say" Kyle said while he went to seat down without even looking at me.

I dropped my bag and sat down because I couldn't go against Kyle,he was muscular and tall I don't dare go up against him and me being me wouldn't listen to him nor answer him.
I could remember one time I was fed up of watching a bully bullying another girl when we were in elementary school and Blake and Vivian begged me not to go to stop him but since I knew how to fight and I didn't care that he was 10 times bigger than me because he was a senior,I went over to him and punched him really hard he fell to the ground and was bleeding through his nose.
That day I got suspended and my parents were asked to come to the school.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Kyle's voice "I am sorry for holding you in here as if you were my captive".
I didn't answer him and just shifted my gaze to the window he looked at me and sighed while he continued to talk
"Amaya since I entered this school last two weeks you have never acted nice to me,what is wrong?or what have I done?".Kyle asked me.
Okay so I said I wouldn't answer him but I've got to say something right.
"Kyle you don't have to feel bad it's just me,that's how I am,you don't have to expect me to be nice to someone who want to destroy my friendship with my only friends do you?,and since you don't know me you won't get it"i said while I wasn't even giving Kyle the concentration he needed.
Like why should I?
"Is that what you think of me ,A friendship breaker?Kyle asked and I could feel the sarcasm in his tone, and yes I don't know you Amaya and that's because you don't even talk to me,you don't look at me and you don't even want nothing to do with me,You seem to have this particular type of hatred and anger towards me why??"Kyle asked as he got serious.
"I said I don't hate you I just didn't like the way you came into my life,my friends and my school and suddenly made everyone including my best friends to turn their backs on me and that's because of you Kyle it's all you , haven't you seen that my friends don't have time for me and they don't even know what am up to,that started happening ever since you came here. Every single day I come to class to see people surrounding your desk and asking you all sort of stupid questions as if you were some kind of celebrity I didn't know about. That's it that's just it Kyle,I don't hate you but you invaded my life"i said to Kyle while i ran my hands through my hair out of frustration.
That's it I've just poured out all I have been keeping to his feet now let me hear what he's got to say.
"When did I make Blake and Vivian turn away from you or is it because they asked me to help them pack after they'd asked you?come on Amaya are you a kid?"Blake said while he shook his head.
As I expected,he answered me with questions,
I just poured out my brain ,my heart and my words to his feet and he's asking me if u were some kid.
"Kyle I think that's your question to answer"i shrugged my shoulders at him as I threw his questions back to him for him to answer them.
"Come on Amaya don't give me that crap,I heard what you said to Vivian yesterday but when she asked me I just lied intending on speaking with you today. And FYI if you have friends they just don't leave you for some one new or someone fun they stick by you forever even if you just want them away or you don't want them by your side ,just like Vivian and Blake they are your true friend and trust me you won't find them anywhere if you lose them and I wouldn't mind making them my friends so here's a piece of advice for you bunny don't make the past hurt the future and the present ok."Kyle said as he went over to the door to open it.
I just sat there dumbfounded and I didn't have nothing to say Kyle literally shut me up,I have never seen this side of him for the 2weeks I've spent with him. I couldn't help but to tell Kyle that I am sorry for the way I acted and I shouldn't have judge him for trying to steal my friends if I may put it in that way.
Immediately I said I was sorry a sense of relief just shivered all over my body and it felt like I have dropped a huge load of me. I looked at Kyle to see him standing and staring at me then he came closer to me and I could feel my body tensed up.
"There's no need to apologize bunny, there's only two people that need this apology and that is Blake and Vivian. You have literally pushed them away so I suggest you apologize to them not me."
"Ohhh o..k you are right"i replied to Kyle while I moved back a little to give our bodies some space.
"I'm always right"Kyle said as he winked at me.
I just chuckled and shook my head. Wow that was strange was it me or did kyle just make me laugh. I thought to myself and suddenly heard Kyle's voice.
"You can leave now"Kyle said as he gestured his hand to the door which was opened now.
"Oh yeah you right I was supposed to leave"I said as I walked towards the door.
Suddenly I didn't know what stopped me but I closed the door and asked kyle to go take his shower.
"Why?"Kyle asked me with his brows twisted.
"We are going to the library to read"i said plainly.
"And who said I'd like to go with miss grumpy"Kyle now had a smirk on his face as he got up from Blake's bed which was opposite mine.
"I don't care if you would like to go I just felt that you'd be bored here all alone but if you are fine here then suit yourself"i said with my now usual response I would give to any annoying person.
"Hey hey hey calm down I just wanted to tease you but I see you don't take jokes"kyle said as he brought his phone out and started typing something.
"What are you doing?"I asked kyle
He just turned his phone over to me and I read what was written there.
NUMBER ONE:she doesn't take jokes.
"Really"i muttered out with a sigh and he just nodded and went to the boys bathroom while he shouted. "Give me a minute"
"Are you serious right now? A minute?"I asked while he just said yep. And then he was in the shower.

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