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~Amaya's POV~
It was really annoying,the sight of my best friends fighting over something i knew nothing about. It was like i was lost somewhere in between.

Blake was being weird, Vivian was now dating Jake, i wonder where all this will end, it was either i call for a truth circle meeting or these guys will never talk to themselves anymore.
The ego in Vivian was as huge as Mount Everest while Blake on the other hand can be a mean person— this will only mean I'll be stuck in between and i hated the thought so much.

What were they even fighting about, i take one step outside and they've turned to angry people.
Vivian might be willing to talk to me but Blake will stay away from the both of us. He was always like that, whenever he has a fight with me he'd still be close with Vivian but if he had a little argument with Vivian then its on the both of us.

Kyle followed Blake out , I don't think thats a good idea but whatever they'll talk about was boys stuff.
Looking at Blake, his hair was no longer calm and relaxed it was bushy and rough like he had ruffled his hands over it for the millionth time. His eyes were fuming but it felt broken when Vivian made mention of she and Jake, Blake was never angry over nothing and so i wanted to conclude that Vivian was at fault. But I shouldn't do that... should I? —- i am supposed to be the mediator listening to both sides neutrally and that was what i was going to do.

Yes we could all agree that over the past months Jake and Vivian have grown close and comfy but it was hard to believe that she'd be in a relationship and refuse to tell either of us and worst of all when she did it was in a horrible manner.
Vivian had a really soft heart unlike me and as soon as Kyle left the room she sat on her bed and began crying.

Vivian was crying her eyes out and refusing to talk to me, it broke my heart and I couldn't bear the sight, both my friends are going through something and it was up to me to mend it.

It took about 5 minutes before Vivian could calm down and when she looked up at me sitting up properly,tears were still rolling down her eyes.

"Viv can you talk to me,what going on, whats all this"i asked holding her hands

There was Silence in the room ........... before she spoke up.

Vivians explanation as to what transpired........................

"Blake is being mean, i...i don't know wh..what i did but he came into the room and asked me randomly what was going on, the question was bizarre so I laughed before asking him what he meant, he looked at me with that face he always gives us when he is absolutely mad,i was confused ,nothing really happened today to upset him right so I couldn't answer him and just then he said i was being too cozy with Jake, i am always so absent minded from our conversations nowadays and he said the last time he asked for me to watch a football game he was playing in but I wasn't there.

I couldn't remember when he asked, so i told him ,he said i was lying that i was too busy hanging out with Jake and that disgusted him about me.
When Blake said this i was hurt, he have never said such ,he went on to say that i had changed, I'm now a messed up piss of shit and that he doesn't even know why he was still friends with me.

All these hurtful words Blake said to me and I couldn't stand it — if he wanted a fight then I'll give one to him.

I wasn't thinking Amaya when i told him that i wanted to end our friendship really Amaya I wasn't thinking, it just came out , i regret it but i was angry , the hurt on Blake's face when i said that really took me off but I didn't stop Amaya I didn't stop I also told him that he was pathetic and thats why he ended up with no girl, then i compared myself to him thats when i blurted out that Jake and i were now dating.

I really didn't mean any of it, but he hurt me Maya he really hurt me , but if thats really how Blake feels about me now, that I'm disgusting, absent minded and really didn't care about our friendship then we might as well not be friends again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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