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Hey guys so here's chapter 16
QOTD:Fiction or Non fiction?
My ans: fiction all the way.
Chapter 16:"Messy party"

Amayas ~POV~
We got in, Vivian pounced on her bed after she talked to Kyle for a bit. Blake was talking to him about the time the team had set for practice and i was texting with Ryan.  Ryan had said he wanted to talk to me tonight at the party and boy! I couldn't wait for what he had to say. I was thinking so hard about the possible things that he may want to talk about but nothing was coming.

This made me want to go to the party right now so i checked the time and it was 5:05pm. Blake had already gone to shower and Vivian was in the girls rest room. I went to my wardrobe to pick the most comfortable outfit i could find for the night but everything i had, didn't match my vibe. I ended up picking a white tank top,purple free pants in case a random b!tch throws a punch we can fight properly and a white shoe.

There was nothing to put in my bag since it was a night party and i might end up loosing it so i put only a chapstick,tissue and my phone in my bag.
When Vivian came out of the bathroom i went in,took my bath to feel refreshed and i came out. When i came out of the bathroom Vivian was standing with her arms folded looking directly in my soul.
"What girl"i asked
"Now don't tell me this is what you'd be wearing, this"Vivian say holding the clothes up and throwing them back on the bed.

"Yep, it's comfy right"
"Umm, what can i say to you right now, Amaya this is your last year in high school, you need this type of parties to free your mind from school work and be less boring no offense,besides you have no test tomorrow"
"Technically i have an arts presentation that is going for 30 marks and i like what i picked out,it may come in handy if there's a fight in the party, i could just join in or run easily yeh"i say nudging Vivian who didn't look too happy with anything i was Saying.

"No,no , you are not wearing that and why would you want to fight in a small party"
"Speak for yourself, this party gift be huge, remember who's throwing it"i say and immediately recall that i had a serious roasting fight with one of the girls hosting the party..this might be a sign that i had to stay back.
"Ok,ok enough Amaya try this on" Vivian says bringing out a red dress from her wardrobe.
"Heh,me in that, i would rather wear my robe and jump on the bed right now"

"But you are not doing any of that now just try it out"Vivian shoved the dress in my hands,pushed me in the toilet and closed me in there
God what was I supposed to do with a dress this short well it was below my knew but it had nets at the back with a long rope on the waist that i had to strap round me with tiny spaghetti hands and a long split that looked like a mistake. This dress was so not me.
I just wore the dress to please viv but when i saw myself in the mirror, My oh MY  i didn't even look like me, i was literally looking for myself in the toilet but hey i looked good.

I asked Vivian to open the door and when i stepped out she dramatically fell on the ground then seconds later she was up again but this time she was fanning herself.
"Damn maya if i were a guy id wanna explore you mad"Vivian says and i punched her in the arm so hard i felt for her.
"See, i wore the dress, hows that now can i change"
"Nope, just put this blazer on it would cover your arm and the exposed areas"Vivian say shoving yet another cloth in my hand but this on was a beautiful black blazer and i liked it.

"Ok that will do, but Vivian, this is the first time id be wearing a dress to a party"
"Technically its your first ever party since high school"Vivian replied as she went to the mirror to get her brown long hair done.
"Dang! Did you have to put it in that way"i say walking back in the toilet to do my hair.
I placed my hair in a messy bun and let some stands down from the back and the front, it looked good and i didn't want to do too much. I applied some gloss and done! I was done.

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