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Ok guys I'm so sorry I've not yet uploaded any chapter that's cause my schools on exams and the work load is too crazso I've been busy couldn't even check the app I'm sorry.
Question: Are you a kdrama fan?
My Ans:I live with Kdrama.💀
~Amayas POV~
"Or wait............. Does she like him". I say in shock as the door opened revealing Kyle with an annoyed look.

"Who likes who"Blake asked averting his gaze from his phone and looking at me.
"Umm it's nothing actually just me thinking"I lied.
I was trying to find a way to shift the conversation from what it was so I decided to talk to Kyle. That really was a bad idea the guy and I never get along.

"What's it Kyle?why the look"? I asked sitting up straight on my bed.
"And why should I answer you"Kyle replied.

"Come on dude she's just asking"Blake interrupted.
"Nahh it's fine, didn't even know why I asked"I replied while I pasted a fake smile on my face.

"That's what I thought"Kyle say in response to my answer.

I guess starting a conversation with Kyle was not the best idea.
Even though it solved the reason why I started it because Blake and kyle began to talk and we forgot about the recent event that just took place in the room.

I got up to go look for Vivian because it was getting boring sitting down and just looking at two dude chat and laugh.
As I was getting up I received a text from Ryan and it shocked the hell out of me.

I thought he wouldn't text or call but somehow I was happy inside but decided to shrug the text. I didn't even open it and just switched my phone off and left the room without even telling annoying freaks.

Roaming around in the hallways of the dormitory I was looking for Vivian but couldn't find her so I turned my search into a stroll.
I wandered around the premises and finally decided to sit at an ice cream shop. But as I was getting my ice cream from the lady who was looking at me in some kind of disgusted way I felt a slight touch on my back and I jerked around to see that it was Ryan.

~Ryan's POV~
After battling if or not I should text Amaya I finally did while I was on my way to the dorm because I'll be moving in since school opens proper tomorrow.

I didn't know what to text her because a lot was running through my head. Is she angry with me? Will she ever want to talk to me? Should I just apologize and forget about all of this. Well actually if it was that simple I would have. But I was such a jerk for just leaving and not contacting her well I guess now I have to face her by talking to her myself.

After I texted her and she didn't reply I knew I messed up Big Time. Amaya is this girl that gets annoyed very fast and with the time I've spent with her I knew I would have to draft a whole script on how to apologize to her.

Well since I was close to the dorm I decided to grab her an apology ice cream because she seemed to love it but to my surprise I met her there.
I gathered up everything I had and walked towards her.
After I tapped her she jerked and turned to me and I couldn't even speak.

"Shit!" I mouthed just staring at her because that was only what I could say.
Amaya just stared at me for a while and walked pass me. Without even saying a word to me.

"Ok hold up Amaya"I say turning around and grabbing her arm.
"Don't you dare touch me"she says and I let go immediately.
"Ok I won't but can you please hear me out" I replied.

"Look here Ryan or whatever your name is THERE IS NOTHING TO HEAR"she says poking my shoulder with every word she said and leaving.
I couldn't stop her so I held her hands again but she threw her ice cream on me and punched me in the face.

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