6-"Was that a Kiss"

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Hope you guys would love it 😊
I'll upload chapter 7and 8 soon
#unedited#watch out for typos
Question: Does the school you attend wear uniforms???
My Ans:the school I attend wear uniforms but it's a different one on Fridays😸
Chapter 6: "Was that a kiss"

In the morning, I woke up and found that the electricity was back "phewww"I felt relieved.and as i turned to the other side of the bed to feel a hard body close to mine,my eyes weren't fully open so I rubbed them and finally I could see the body that was so close to mine. IT WAS KYLES .

Many questions ran through my head like what was he doing here and how did he get here,what had happen last night and I stopped to think about what had happen but I couldn't help but only remember the last part of what happened yesterday before we were out of power.
So ummm wait for those of you reading,I have this serious disorder that If anything happens in the dark,the next morning I won't be able to remember until I was told about it.

So I pushed Kyle down my bed and stood up.
"What do you think you are doing on my bed "? I asked him with seriousness in my tone
"What sort of question is that, if you could clearly remember you asked me to stay with you,you asked me not to leave you and you were crying because the power went off. And now you are asking me what I'm doing on your bed. Wow Amaya wow."Kyle said as he was getting off my bed.
"When did I say all this to you"I asked Kyle as I looked at him confused.
"Amaya don't play me for a fool,I know you clearly remember maybe you just shy and you don't want me thinking that behind that No care Amaya you are actually so weak and pathetic"Kyle spat those words on my face.

"You don't really get it do you,I can't seriously remember when I said that you should stay with me and I can't remember what happened last night. You have to believe me"I said as I was now coming down the bed and looking right at him.

"You know what I don't really have time for this conversation when you done playing games you can talk to me."Kyle said as he created distance between us by going to the bathroom.

I stood there and tried thinking seriously about it but I couldn't remember anything.
Kyle's always the one walking out on me and making me feel pathetic. It was like he already knew me when he didn't, like he could see through me and scan my inner self. I hated it because he wouldn't be able to believe anything I say.
I was lost in thought that I didn't know that Kyle came out of the bathroom and was drying his hair with a towel without even looking at me.
"Kyle"I called out to him
"Forget it Amaya"he said plainly like he was hurt.
"No,please you have to tell me,I don't know what to do I'm confused"I said while i suddenly became interested in my legs and hitting my lips.
"I know what you should do"Kyle said
"STOPPLAYINGDUMBWITHME"he said in a fast voice.
"I'll do anything you want me to"i suddenly say. Just tell me.
"You sure you up for what you requested"Kyle said as he had a sudden interest in the conversation.
"Yes"I said plainly. Now tell me
"Okay,here goes nothing" Kyle said as he sat down on his bed and looked at me.
"Go on"i said while i also sat down.
After what seems to be the longest story I have ever had,Kyle was done and I mentally face slapped myself and prayed that it was all a dream. But no,Kyle was right there still looking at me when he mouthed
"There you go,that's it,all what happened yesterday"

I looked like I was thrown off a cliff and just sat there mopping at Kyle.
I opened my mouth a little and asked
"Was that a kiss"
"What do you expect?"Kyle said while he shrugged his shoulders.
"You looked like piece of mess yesterday"Kyle said as he held his laughter in him.
"That's not my issue,You kissed me or wait you peaked me,and I did and said all that yesterday."
He just nodded.
"Why did you do it"?i asked him
"Do what"?he replied
"Kiss me"i said
"First things first I didn't kiss you, I consoled you and also I think what you should be doing right now is going to get a shower and thinking of the ways you would be facing my 3 request because I won't go easy on you"Kyle said as he got up and left the room.

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