4-"I can handle you just like a kid"

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Soooo guyssss I would upload Chapter 4 and 5
Question:how old are you
My Ans: 15years☺️

Chapter 4: " I don't hate you"
The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed just to turn to my phone to see that the time was pasted 11:45.
"Shoot I slept like a dog"i muttered to my self before running my hands through my hair and getting up from my bed.
"Yeah you did"I heard a voice saying while I looked up to see that that VoIce was Kyle's.
"What is your name again"? I asked while I looked at him disgusted. "Is it Myles or Kyle"I asked with my head twisted to the left.
"She doesn't even know my name"I heard Kyle say as he came down his bunk bed.
"I don't want to and who was talking to you"I asked him with sarcasm.
" Amaya you spoke out loud and I just wanted for us to have a good conversation which we haven't had since I step foot here"Myles oh no Kyle said.
"Who wants to talk to you"? I asked him while I scanned the room looking for Blake and Vivian.
"They left early" I heard Kyle say while he sat on Vivian's bed.
"They were trying to wake you up but I seems like you were very exhausted and finally they left and told me to tell you when you wake up that they would be back for you guys to continue shopping".

I just went straight to my closet and picked a crop top white in color and a soldier green short which I wanted to wear today. I really dislike Wearing dresses and skirts even though Vivian forces me to wear them I still don't give in.
I eyed Kyle and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
When I came into the bathroom I turned on the shower to check if it was warm,cold or hot I am such a picky person I know that for such because I am even picky with water. I totally forgot that I didn't bring in my phone to play my music while I showered and now I was undressed and my towel was right behind the door.
"Crap"i muttered
It was only i and Kyle in the room and he can't come in here hell no. But what can I do I need my phone it was like a habit that I always listen to music while I take shower and now I needed my phone which was outside.
I mustered up courage to call his name out loud so I wouldn't have to call it again.
"Kylee"I shouted
It looked like he didn't hear me so I decided to call it again.
"Kkkkyyyyyyllllleeeeee"I yelled and I felt my throat cracking.
"Little miss cranky what now"I heard Kyle say from outside.
"Ummm could you look on my bed my phone is right there can you give it to me please" I said with pity in my voice.
"Ohhh so you can actually talk like this or wait is this Amaya"Kyle said as he teased me
"Can you just do it"i rolled my eyes even though I knew he can't see me.
"Ok ok just a sec"
Kyle was now knocking on the door and calling out to me.
"Hey Amaya your phones here"he said while he was opening the door.
"Come on bro I rushed to the door to shut it and I might have hurt him because he was now hissing.
I didn't care less and just stretched my hand out signaling that he should give me my phone He put my phone on my hand but as he did that out skin made contact and that gave me goosebumps i immediately brought my hand back to the bathroom and shut the door on Kyle's face.
"Can't I get even a thank you"I heard Kyle say
"Um yeah thanks"I said as I blushed
What da what am I doing I slapped my self and I felt physical pain which I obviously inflicted on myself.

As I took my phone from Kyle I instantly went to my music app and played a song. I don't have a favorite song or band but what I know is that I don't like slow music nahhh they are not my type.

The music kept on playing for as long as I could remember and I really enjoyed my bath because for the past days I've been showering with warm water and I just couldn't continue with it but thank goodness that today there is hot water. I don't know why the school prefers to make us bathe with warm water but I really don't like it.

After I was done with my shower I came out of the bathroom while I was drying my hair with my towel and to my surprise Kyle was sitting on my bed with my favorite novel The Forbidden love on his hands.
My jaw dropped and I had a facial expression of confusion on my face.

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