3-He's your friend not mine

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:(I am so sorry guys for updating late unno because of school and the school work has been really hard on me so I've got to say I'll be updating only on few occasions
Btw guys I'll like for us to be answering some few questions before we start to read.
On every chapter there will be a question.
Question:what grade are you in
My Ans- I am a soon to be junior☺️

Enjoy guysss
Chapter 3: He's your friend not mine
"Thanks".Kyle said as he climbed his bed and started to listen to music, he put his EarPods on and listened to music and then i fell asleep.
It was morning so i woke up rushing to go get prepared but i bumped into someone my hands on his bear body and my head on his chest I felt cold instantly my hands started to sweat and as i looked up to see who it was it was>>>.......................

""Hey Amaya"
"Hey Blake"
"How was the night huh" Blake asked.
"It was pretty annoying,but I slept."i replied while i gain control over my self
"Okay but Amaya I wanna ask you something real quick."
I looked at Blake and gave him the go on look "why are you being so blunt on Kyle , he's just our friend"Blake asked
"Excuse you he's you and Vivians friend not mine , when did Kyle become my friend"
Now I felt really annoyed and decided to end this convo
"So umm Blake excuse me i have a class to catch up with,"
Then I entered the girls shower room and freshen up to get ready for class
When i was done i left the dorm for class,but when I entered the class i saw that everyone was at a particular desk and it was Kyle's.
People were asking him all sort of questions like how old he was and what was his former school and all sort of stupid questions i don't give a shit about.
"Kyle are you going for the field trip coming up next week " Vivian asked him
"No Vivian I can't go I don't know what it is about plus am new here so maybe I'll go for the next one"Kyle replied
Oh no!!!this is impossible i am in the same dorm as him if everyone in the whole campus goes for the field trip i will be left alone with him I felt a sting of resentment in me and i decided to confront Blake for him to help me convince Kyle to go for d field trip.
I went pass the group of girls and finally I was at Blake's desk.
"Yo Blake, I kinda have a favor to ask of you"
Blake looked at me with the ^i am listening look and then I continued with my quest to make Kyle go for that so called field trip,
"Ok so I just heard that Kyle won't be going for the trip and that kinda means that I and him would be alone in the dorm and you know I don't like.......
Before I could finish my sentence Blake cut me off.

"Amaya what's wrong with you, like I don't get why it's so difficult for you to just accept Kyle, like what has he done to you or what makes you hate him so much"
Now I was confused
I never said I hated Kyle ok maybe I resent him is that the same thing?? I asked my self mentally then decided to reply back to that comment Blake had gave me.

"What do you mean why can't I accept Kyle
That is so not called for you to say, Blake I never said I hated Kyle I just didn't want him associating with me or people I call my friends ok I don't know the reason why I don't want that but I don't want to know either
So would you help me convince him"I asked with some sarcasm in my tone.

Blake looked at me and I stared back at him
Why is it taking so long for Blake to tell me yes or No.
" You know what Amaya suck it up and go tell him your self"Blake yelled while he walked away
What da why is he so mad now
So I couldn't ask for a favor now?
Ok maybe I was being to much but Blake is my friend he is supposed to be on my side
My brain suddenly spoke to me and told me not to bring up the side game that it wouldn't be good.

I looked around to see everyone in the class looking at me $h!T I forgot I was in class
I held my head in shame and went to my desk which was obviously close to Vivian's.
She rushed over from the group surrounding Kyle and came to her seat.

"Maya what's wrong"she asked me but I just ignored her cause I knew she was team Kyle
Ohh shoot not again with the team stuff I looked at her again and shot a fake smile

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