13-"HE TORMENTS MY LIFE"-part(2)

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Hey guys! So sorry for the late update anyways here is your QOTD
Question: Do you watch MSAs💕
My answer: Yesss a huge fannn.

~Kyles POV~
Honestly sitting with Amaya during math class was not the best idea,even though my desk was the only one available i don't like making girls uncomfortable. That was the second time I asked her if she was uncomfortable with me near her and even though she didn't answer me i knew she was.

My double personality really does not work well on Amaya's side,she gets easily irritated by me and i know she hates me after what happened the other time with Carrie and Ryan.

It took me a while  to figure out that Amaya was gonna be hanging out with Ryan because right after school she texted him that she'll be meeting with Vivian and Blake first so I took the opportunity to inform Bryan since I knew about the rivalry between them then why not spice things up.

I didn't really like Ryan after what he did. So I told Bryan to tail them and they met.
I wonder how things are going now.
Even though I knew how Bryan was I still doubted that he'd hurt Amaya just for a punch.

I knew all the things Bryan does to people to make himself feel better but I couldn't bear the thought of him hurting Amaya. Even though I knew she was strong headed ,Bryan would not hesitate to hit her.

I was now at the dorm alone because all my dorm mates were out. So i thought why not invite someone over.
My mind went straight to Casey,it seemed that she likes Blake and I wanted to know more and maybe find a way to help them because I kinda like Blake.

Before I could pull my phone out to text her I felt it would be awkward to be in a room alone with a girl I barely know,well even though it had happened to i and Amaya it's a different case because this is Amayas dorm.

Eventually the thought of me inviting Casey over was tarnished so I decided to step out a bit.when I came out the dorm hallway was scanty. I wonder what's going.

And that was when I realize that I was jobless. I had nothing to do I was bored and needed those roommates of mine because somehow they seem to be able to keep my company.

All in All I went back to the room and decided to read a book, which I might have read for over 3 times now. I sighed to myself while laying down on my bed head up and looking at the celling.

I desperately wondered what was happening by now where Ryan and Amaya went to and suddenly a tiny pinch of guilt hit me. Why was I doing whatever I was doing? Why do it seem like I loved the attention of Amaya? I'm I still angry at Ryan for what he did 4 years ago.

Thoughts of Amaya suddenly started flashing through my mind and I couldn't understand what was happening I didn't like this girl but I was so confused and anytime I try to get it out of my head it was never leaving.

It was now 6pm and I was still begging for sleep,this is not the usual me,maybe I'm like this because I maybe feeling guilty for being such a douche. How will Amaya react when she finds out I told Bryan to tail them. Hatred will increase to the fullest.

"Ugh"i sigh to myself before I heard someone at the door knocking.

~Ryan's POV~
What the hell was Bryan doing here, how did he know we were going to be here,that wasn't my concern, was he planning on doing anything stupid, many thoughts ran through my head when I saw Bryan sitting there with those two fools he calls his friends.

"Ryan,Ryan!" Amaya called out to me interrupting my thoughts.
I flinched then walked up to her,
At that time Blake and Vivian already found a spot we could sit at so the boys and I followed.

"Let's sit here"Vivian said pulling Jake to sit near her and I'm still wondering how they got this close after meeting themselves this morning.
Well Blake did the honors by sitting between them causing everyone to laugh at his act well except for Vivian,she looked pissed.

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