iv. outlet for her grief.

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   PERHAPS HELPING ELLIE OUT, allowing her to vent, allowing her to scream and yell and call her all the names under the sun would assuage some of the guilt she felt

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   PERHAPS HELPING ELLIE OUT, allowing her to vent, allowing her to scream and yell and call her all the names under the sun would assuage some of the guilt she felt. That was Danielle's main driving force behind letting Ellie use her as a outlet for her grief. Well, that was a fucking stupid idea and Danielle felt like a complete and utter idiot.

   Dina had left her alone inside Ellie's garage. Apparently she was needed elsewhere and she didn't see Danielle as a threat anymore, so she had no reason to stay. Danielle desperately wished for the girl to return. The stare that was fixed upon her made her want to peel her skin off. Ellie's eyes trailed over the young girls face, just simply taking her in. She had yet to actually speak to Danielle, just continued staring.

   Danielle had begun scratching and picking at the skin that surrounded her nails, a nervous habit that she had picked up around the same time she was brought to the WLF. It was something she had once attempted refraining from doing but it hadn't worked. Her willpower just wasn't strong enough. Scratching at her cuticles until they bled provided Danielle that brief release of stress, —gave her something to focus on. The pain kept her from drowning in her own tears.

   While she was being stared at, she couldn't help but glance around the room, taking in every little detail. This time allowed her to learn a little more about the auburn haired girl in front of her. Immediately a couple of things jumped out at her. The many impressive drawings, the photos of Ellie and her friends, the guitar that sat proudly by the desk and the small book by the door all about space.

   "What are you doing?" Ellie finally spoke up, her voice cracking from how dry her throat was. Danielle guessed Dina was right, Ellie had been refusing to eat or drink anything. She sounded absolutely exhausted and honestly, she looked it.

   "Nothing." Danielle quickly stuttered out, the sound of the girl speaking spooked her out of her browse. Danielle's hazel eyes flashed across Ellie's face, landing upon the black eye, courtesy of Jordan. Fucking Jordan. "I was doing nothing."

   Ellie folded her arms across her chest, the sleeves of her grey hoodie pulling up enough for her tattoo to peak out just a little. "Are you enjoying this? My pain, my fucking misery!"

   "You and your little friends are fucking animals! You killed an innocent man!" She continued to scream at the brunette in front of her.

   The redheads raised voice, which Danielle was so sure she could handle, cut through the brunette like a hot knife through butter. She felt so fucking horrible about what had happened to Joel, so fucking guilty which lead her to believe that she deserved the verbal abuse she was receiving. She was an animal.

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