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IN THE MONTHS SINCE their return to Jackson, Danielle Linden had essentially become the main doctor of the community, once she was fully healed and not at risk of ripping open her stitches, of course.
News of her heroics, how she had risked her life and almost bled out as she saved Tommy and Jesse, two beloved members of the community, had reached the residents within hours of their arrival. She could remember Jesse's parents visiting her, crying out their appreciation and gratitude for her.
His mother had hugged her.
The aged woman had grasped the brunettes face tightly in her hands, whimpering out just how thankful she truly was. She exclaimed how they was 'nothing they could do to ever repay her.' which Danielle felt so shamefully burdened by. Here they were, expressing how grateful they were that she had saved their one and only son and she was being burdened by their words. She hated how distant she was back then and had tried her best to fix that ever since.
Once Jesse was healthy and able to move about freely, he and Dina had packed up their little life together and shipped off to a quaint, little farmhouse a few miles outside of Jackson. The now noticeably pregnant Dina had sat by Jesse's bedside as he recuperated, the sight of her ex-boyfriend laying near death for so long, believing he could have so easily passed away, really put things into perspective for her.
The feelings for him that she once had for him, grew ten times the size they once were. Last Danielle had spoken to the pair, when she and Ellie had helped the pair move to the farmhouse, they had been arguing over baby names which was just so them. Arguments appeared to be how the two kept their relationship alive.
As the community's main doctor, the brunette had encountered almost every resident. From the few older people that were still alive and kicking, to the young toddlers who would constantly dawdle around the medical building, they had all appeared in her life for check ups that would result in every single person questioning her about what had happened in Seattle.
Danielle was aware that only a select few knew the true details, Maria had told her exactly that, so when questioned about the events that had transpired over the three days they spent in Seattle always left her feeling so shitty. She'd lie to their faces, withhold the truth and make up some fabrication that had her believing that they could see right through her words.
If they ever did believe she was lying to them, no one ever said so.
A deep, heavy sigh broke through the silence of the medical centre as Danielle moved around, tidying up for the day. All of the patients had bid the young doctor a farewell before returning to their homes. Their exit allowed Danielle for her thoughts, thoughts that had been pushed to the back of her mind earlier that morning.