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"SO, YOU LOVE ME, HUH?" The redheaded Williams girl cheekily teased Danielle. She stood cockily against the bathroom door frame, arms folded across her chest and smirk upon her lips. Her gaze remained locked upon the brunette as Danielle brushed her teeth.
An severely unamused look was sent her way as Danielle glared over at her, toothbrush still in her mouth and remnants of the foamed up toothpaste peaking out past her lips. She was beginning to regret ever admitting to loving the redhead. Only a few hours had passed since she had spilled her guts and cried her eyes out and she already felt like an idiot.
The embarrassment she felt didn't help by the teasing grin that had been ever so present upon Ellie's lips from the moment the redhead had awoken that morning, the rumble in her chest from the chuckle she had released having woken Danielle, who Ellie had held tight to her body all night long.
"You sure teasing me right now is a good idea?" Danielle questioned the girl after she cleaned out her mouth and threw her back into the holder that sat by the sink. Her eyes flitted around, taking in Ellie's messy appearance. Her pyjamas had grown lopsided, practically falling off and her short hair sticking up every which way. "I could very easily send you back to your room. That wouldn't be very fun for you, now would it Ellie?"
Her reply was petty but Danielle didn't care. She wasn't just about to let Ellie tease her and get away with it. No way. At that moment, Danielle knew the power she held over the redhead and she planned to wield it with finesse.
The redheaded girl in question absentmindedly toyed with the fabric of her pyjama bottoms, all the while a spark of glee lit up her eyes. "You admitted you love me, Dani. I'm allowed to be happy about that."
That was true. That had been the first time that Danielle had uttered those three words. Well, sobbed the words but it still counted to the Williams girl, who had replayed the moment many times in her mind. Ellie knew she loved the brunette and before she'd left, she had been so sure that Danielle felt the same. But to hear her say it?
It was as if a kaleidoscope of butterflies had set up camp in her tummy, constantly fluttering about.
"You still haven't said it back yet." Danielle muttered in reply. She couldn't lie, she really wished to hear those words fall from Ellie's lips in a situation that didn't involve the redhead planning on leaving her minutes later.
Not really knowing how to respond, Ellie, who was quite known for her inability to discuss her feelings, simply said, "I've said it."