xvi. trembling hands.

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   A FEELING OF IMMENSE dread overcame the medic as she watched the Williams girl make her way into the theatre, pushing past Dina as if the girl wasn't there

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   A FEELING OF IMMENSE dread overcame the medic as she watched the Williams girl make her way into the theatre, pushing past Dina as if the girl wasn't there. The warm embrace that the dark-haired girl had pulled Ellie into went unreciprocated as Ellie's arms remained down by her sides.

   If there was one word that Danielle would use to describe Ellie in that moment, it would be destroyed. The auburn-haired teenager looked completely broken, as if one little push would send her collapsing to the floor in a million little pieces. Danielle unfortunately knew that feeling all too well which allowed her the ability to recognise the signs that were plastered across Ellie's crimson stained face.

   Ellie seemed exhausted, in more ways than one. Physically and mentally, Ellie Williams looked completely done. As if she had no more fight left in her. Whatever happened while she was off travelling around Seattle alone, it was enough that it had rendered the redhead speechless.

   As if her tongue had been ripped from her mouth, as if she had not spoken a single sentence in days, Ellie's voice came out hoarse and unsteady as she spoke. "She's hiding out in the... in this aquarium."

   It was impossible to ignore the shake in Ellie's hands as she pointed at the map. As her fingers hovered over the Aquarium illustration, they aggressively trembled. Her entire body wavered as her legs grew weary the further into the theatre she moved.

   "Okay. Come on." Dina reached a hand forward, slowly removing the map from Ellie's hands and passing it over to Danielle, who took it gladly. "Let's get you cleaned up."

   Jesse and Danielle stood so completely still, the pair afraid that any sudden or fast paced movements would spook the auburn-haired girl. With expressions of pity plastered across their faces, they watched Dina lead Ellie away, remaining silent until their figures disappeared into the shadows.

   "Jesus Christ." Danielle uttered, her voice small as she spoke. The shell-shocked look upon Ellie's face was enough to make the brunettes stomach churn with worry. "She looks like she's in a fugue state."

Jesse stared over at dnaielle, concern for his friend flurrying within his wide eyes. "Did you see all that blood?"

   With a nod of the head, her teeth dug deep into her bottom lip. The blood has been the first thing they had all noticed, I mean, it was impossible not to. "No doubt it was someone else's. What the hell happened to her out there?"

   The raven-haired man fell silent for a few moments, trying his best to comprehend and fathom just what had happened as a chill ran up his spine. "I almost don't want to know."

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