vii. pasts revealed.

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   THEY HAD BEEN TRAVELLING for around fifteen or sixteen days, though Danielle couldn't be sure

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   THEY HAD BEEN TRAVELLING for around fifteen or sixteen days, though Danielle couldn't be sure. She'd already lost count as the day blending into night far too easily. The weather had changed practically overnight. Danielle could remember falling asleep in her sleeping bag, pressed up against Dina as the two girls had huddled together for warmth, then the next morning feeling as though she couldn't breathe as the muggy air invaded her throat.

   Their food supply had dwindled down until they had practically nothing remaining. Out of all three of the girls, not one of them had made the executive decision to pack a substantial amount of food for their journey. Despite the constant rumble of her stomach, Danielle had been giving the majority of her food to Dina, who had yet to tell Ellie of her pregnancy.

   The dark haired girl had been incredibly grateful to the medic, thankful that she had yet to spill her secret. The two girls had built a mutual respect of one another, something that had happened almost entirely overnight. No matter how tough she was, Dina felt herself becoming more and more uneasy, the close to Seattle they got. Ellie was her best friend and Joel had been a good man, but she had more than just herself to worry about now.

   If things went wrong, it wouldn't just be herself she'd lose. Despite her initial response to the brunette, Dina found herself caring for the young girl. If something were to happen to her, Dina would have probably cried which was something she wouldn't be able to blame on hormones this early into her pregnancy.

   "So Danielle. Tell us about yourself." Dina asked of the girl that evening, after they had all settled down inside yet another rundown home.

   The horses were off to the side, shielded from the chill of the night time air courtesy of the albeit, quite musty blanket Danielle had found inside one of the upstairs bedrooms. All three of the girls were chewing on the assortment of berries and nuts they had been lucky enough to collect during the day.

   "There isn't really much to tell honestly." Danielle responded after she swallowed down the last of her water. With a shrug of the shoulders she said, "You already know about my life."

   "We don't actually." Ellie shook her head as she plucked up a small berry from the pile on her lap. "No, we know about the WLF. You however, we know almost nothing about."

   "Parents?" Dina suggested as a talking point. Maybe if she gave Danielle something in her past to focus on, they'd learn more about the girl whose life story continued to elude them.

   "Oh they're both dead." The brunette admitted with ease. With how easy the words fell past her lips, you'd had thought she was chatting about a book that she'd enjoyed reading. Not acknowledging that your parents were deceased. "Well, my Mom is anyway. My Dad left us when I was a kid to join the Firefly's."

𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 ✸ 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦𝐬Where stories live. Discover now